Commit b360bfcd by Timothée Peignier

ensure templates get compiled properly

parent e55cfa0d
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class Compressor(object):
js = self.concatenate(paths)
if templates:
js = js + self.compile_templates(templates)
js = "(function() { %s }).call(this);" % js
js = getattr(self.js_compressor(verbose=self.verbose), 'compress_js')(js)
return js
......@@ -88,10 +89,8 @@ class Compressor(object):
return "\n".join([
"%(namespace)s = %(namespace)s || {};" % {'namespace': namespace},
def template_name(self, path, base):
......@@ -120,8 +119,7 @@ class Compressor(object):
def concatenate(self, paths):
"""Concatenate together a list of files"""
content = '\n'.join([self.read_file(path) for path in paths])
return "(function() { %s }).call(this);" % content
return '\n'.join([self.read_file(path) for path in paths])
def construct_asset_path(self, asset_path, css_path, variant=None):
"""Return a rewritten asset URL for a stylesheet"""
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