Commit 81a0f176 by Timothée Peignier

add some docs about images and font embedding

parent 40a6bb96
...@@ -208,6 +208,32 @@ Other settings ...@@ -208,6 +208,32 @@ Other settings
Defaults to ``"_.template"`` Defaults to ``"_.template"``
Embedding fonts and images
You can embed fonts and images directly in your compiled css, using Data-URI in
modern browser or MHTML in Internet Explorer 7 or below.
To do so, setup variant group options to the method you wish to use : ::
'master': {
'source_filenames': (
'output_filename': 'css/master.css',
'variant': 'datauri',
Images and fonts are embedded following these rules :
- If asset is under **32 kilobytes** to avoid rendering delay or not rendering
at all in Internet Explorer 8.
- If asset path contains a directory named "**embed**".
Rewriting CSS urls Rewriting CSS urls
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