Commit 228ba360 by Andreas Pelme

Updated README and AUTHORS-file.

parent 76ed41ab
django-compress was originally created by Andreas Pelme <> in 2008.
django-compress was originally created by Andreas Pelme <> in
These people have provided bug fixes, new features, improved the documentation or just made django-compress more awesome.
* Sander Smits <>
* Andreas C <andriijas>
* Alexander Artemenko <svetlyak40wt>
The Python-version of jsmin (
is included in django-compress. It was translated from to Python by Baruch
Evan, from the original jsmin implementation by Douglas Crockford.
All documentation is currently only available at the Google Code wiki:
django-compress provides an automated system for compressing CSS and
JavaScript files. By default, it only outputs compressed files while not in
DEBUG-mode. That means you can still debug and edit your source files while
coding, and when going to production, the compressed files will be
automatically generated.
Support for jsmin and CSSTidy is included and enabled by default (but can
easily be disabled). Support for YUI Compressor is also supported out of the
django-compress includes template tags for outputting the URLs to the
CSS/JavaScript?-files and some other goodies to improve the performance of
serving static media.
django-compress is available at github[1] and Google Code[2]. You can always
access the latest and greatest code from both git and Subversion.
The documentation is available online at Github[3], or under docs/ in the
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