Commit 044ad01c by Timothée Peignier

remove packages files from processing

parent a9f4f90a
from staticfiles import finders
from import CachedStaticFilesStorage, StaticFilesStorage
except ImportError:
from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from import CachedStaticFilesStorage, StaticFilesStorage
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from import get_storage_class
from django.utils.functional import LazyObject
from pipeline.conf import settings
class BaseFinderStorage(StaticFilesStorage):
finders = None
def __init__(self, finders=None, *args, **kwargs):
if finders is not None:
self.finders = finders
if self.finders is None:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("The storage %r doesn't have a finders class assigned." % self.__class__)
super(BaseFinderStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def path(self, name):
path = self.finders.find(name)
if not path:
path = super(BaseFinderStorage, self).path(name)
return path
def exists(self, name):
exists = self.finders.find(name) != None
if not exists:
exists = super(BaseFinderStorage, self).exists(name)
return exists
class PipelineFinderStorage(BaseFinderStorage):
finders = finders
class PipelineStorage(PipelineFinderStorage):
class PipelineStorage(StaticFilesStorage):
def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
from pipeline.packager import Packager
if dry_run:
......@@ -47,10 +18,16 @@ class PipelineStorage(PipelineFinderStorage):
packager = Packager()
for package_name in packager.packages['css']:
package = packager.package_for('css', package_name)
for path in package['paths']:
if path in paths:
output_file = packager.pack_stylesheets(package)
for package_name in packager.packages['js']:
package = packager.package_for('js', package_name)
for path in package['paths']:
if path in paths:
output_file = packager.pack_javascripts(package)
return super(PipelineStorage, self).post_process(paths, dry_run, **options)
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