Commit b3c346bf by Piotr Mitros

Code quality cleanup, following Ned's code review.

This was done in a branch pre-rebase. The branch didn't rebase cleanly. This was from a manual merge. More manual
(and automated) testing would be helpful.
parent 2ca1629b
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<sequential display_name="CSH With Settings" url_name="csh_settings_s">
<vertical display_name="CSH With Settings" url_name="csh_settings_v">
<problem url_name="michigan_problem_prehint"/>
<crowdsourcehinter Element="i4x://edX/CSH_Course/problem/sample_problem"
<crowdsourcehinter target_problem="i4x://edX/CSH_Course/problem/sample_problem"
generic_hints="[&quot;Try checking for spelling mistakes.&quot;]"
initial_hints="{&quot;michigann&quot;: &quot;Your answer has too many Ns.&quot;}"
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
# Each key (incorrect answer) has a corresponding dictionary (in
# which hints are keys and the hints' ratings are the values).
# For example:
# {"computerr": {"You misspelled computer, remove the last r.": 5}}
# TODO: We should store upvotes and downvotes independently.
# {"computerr": {"You misspelled computer, remove the last r.": {'upvotes':5, 'downvotes':3}}}
hint_database = Dict(default={}, scope=Scope.user_state_summary)
# Database of initial hints, set by the course
......@@ -77,16 +76,11 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
# reported hints for the same wrong answer.
reported_hints = Dict(default={}, scope=Scope.user_state_summary)
# This String represents the xblock element for which the hinter
# is delivering hints. It is necessary to manually set this value
# in the XML file under the format "hinting_element":
# "i4x://edX/DemoX/problem/Text_Input"
# TODO: probably should change the name from Element
# (problem_element? hinting_element?). Trying to just change the
# name didn't seem to operate properly, check carefully what is
# changed
Element = String(default="", scope=Scope.content)
# This String represents the xblock target problem element for
# which the hinter is delivering hints. It is necessary to
# manually set this value in the XML file under the format
# "target_problem": "i4x://edX/DemoX/problem/Text_Input"
target_problem = String(default="", scope=Scope.content)
def studio_view(self, context=None):
......@@ -102,7 +96,11 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
frag.initialize_js('CrowdsourceHinterStudio', {'initial': str(self.initial_hints), 'generic': str(self.generic_hints), 'element': str(self.Element)})
print type(self.initial_hints), type(self.target_problem), type(self.generic_hints), str
{'initial': self.initial_hints,
'generic': self.generic_hints,
'target_problem': self.target_problem})
return frag
......@@ -112,10 +110,14 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
studio view.
The Studio view is not yet complete.
TODO: How do we make this handler Studio-specific? We don't
want students being able to call this.
initial_hints = json.loads(data['initial_hints'])
generic_hints = json.loads(data['generic_hints'])
# Validate input
if not isinstance(generic_hints, list):
return {'success': False,
'error': 'Generic hints should be a list.'}
......@@ -125,8 +127,9 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
self.initial_hints = initial_hints
self.generic_hints = generic_hints
if len(str(data['element'])) > 1:
self.Element = str(data['element'])
print type(data['target_problem'])
if len(data['target_problem']) > 1:
self.target_problem = data['target_problem']
return {'success': True}
def student_view(self, context=None):
......@@ -139,20 +142,22 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
frag.initialize_js('CrowdsourceHinter', {'hinting_element': self.Element, 'isStaff': get_user_is_staff})
{'target_problem': self.target_problem,
'isStaff': self.xmodule_runtime.user_is_staff})
return frag
def extract_student_answers(self, answers):
We find out what the student submitted by listening to a
client-side event. This event is a little bit messy. This
client-side event. This event is a little bit messy. This
function cleans up the event into a dictionary mapping
input IDs to answers submitted.
# First, we split this into the submission
answers = [a.split('=') for a in answers.split("&")]
# Next, we decode the HTML escapes
answers = [(a[0], HTMLparser.unescape(a[1])) for a in answers]
answers = [(a[0], html_parser.unescape(a[1])) for a in answers]
return dict(answers)
......@@ -169,14 +174,20 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
or another random hint for an incorrect answer
or 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.' if no hints exist
'StudentAnswer': the student's incorrect answer
'HintCategory': Either a string for the type of hint, or False
if no hints
# Populate hint_database with hints from initial_hints if
# there are no hints in hint_database. this probably will
# there are no hints in hint_database. This probably will
# occur only on the very first run of a unit containing this
# block.
if not self.hint_database:
self.hints_database = self.initial_hints
# block, but the logic is a little bit more complex since
# we'd like to be able to add additional hints if instructors
# chose to do so.
for answers in self.initial_hints:
if answers not in self.hint_database:
self.hint_database[answers] = {}
if self.initial_hints[answers] not in self.hint_database[answers]:
self.hint_database[answers].update({self.initial_hints[answers]: 0})
answer = self.extract_student_answers(data["submittedanswer"])
......@@ -190,52 +201,62 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
# Put the student's answer to lower case so that differences
# in capitalization don't make different groups of
# hints. TODO: We should replace this with a .
remaining_hints = 0 # TODO: This is confused
best_hint = "" # TODO: What is this?
remaining_hints = self.find_hints(answer)
if remaining_hints != 0:
if self.hints_available(answer):
for hint in self.hint_database[answer]:
if hint not in self.reported_hints.keys():
# if best_hint hasn't been set yet or the rating of hints is greater than the rating of best_hint
if best_hint == "" or self.hint_database[answer][hint] > self.hint_database[answer][best_hint]:
best_hint = hint
return {'BestHint': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'BestHint': best_hint,
"StudentAnswer": answer,
"HintCategory": "ErrorResponse"}
# find generic hints for the student if no specific hints exist
if self.generic_hints:
generic_hint = random.choice(self.generic_hints)
return {'BestHint': generic_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'BestHint': generic_hint,
"StudentAnswer": answer,
"HintCategory": "Generic"}
# if there are no hints in either the database or generic hints
self.used.append("There are no hints for" + " " + answer)
return {'BestHint': "Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.", "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {"BestHint": "Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.",
"StudentAnswer": answer,
"HintCategory": False}
def find_hints(self, answer):
def hints_available(self, answer):
This function is used to check that an incorrect answer has
available hints to show. It will also add the incorrect
answer test to self.incorrect_answers.
answer: This is equal to answer from get_hint, the answer the student submitted
Returns 0 if no hints to show exist
answer: This is equal to answer from get_hint, the answer
the student submitted
False if there are no hints to show exist. In the future, this
may change to another falsey value (e.g. zero or an empty
True if there are hints to show. In the future, this may change
to another truthy value (e.g. the hints themselves, or number
of hints, or similar)
isreported = []
if answer not in self.hint_database:
# add incorrect answer to hint_database if no precedent exists
self.hint_database[answer] = {}
return 0
for hint_key in self.hint_database[answer]:
for reported_keys in self.reported_hints:
if hint_key in self.reported_hints:
return False
for hint_keys in self.hint_database[answer]:
if hint_keys in self.reported_hints:
if (len(self.hint_database[answer]) - len(isreported)) > 0:
return 1
return True
return 0
return False
def get_used_hint_answer_data(self, data, suffix=''):
......@@ -258,7 +279,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
used_hint_answer_text = {}
if self.get_user_is_staff():
for key in self.reported_hints:
used_hint_answer_text[key] = "Reported"
used_hint_answer_text[key] = u"Reported"
if len(self.incorrect_answers) == 0:
return used_hint_answer_text
......@@ -289,72 +310,64 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
'rating': the new rating of the hint, or the string 'reported' if the hint was reported
'hint': the hint that had its rating changed
TODO: Break out into independent functions, or make generic in some way
answer_data = data['student_answer']
data_rating = data['student_rating']
data_hint = data['hint']
if data_hint == 'Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.':
return {"rating": None, 'hint': data_hint}
if any(data_hint in generic_hints for generic_hints in self.generic_hints):
return # TODO: Figure out how to manage generic hints
if data['student_rating'] == 'unreport':
for reported_hints in self.reported_hints:
if data_hint in self.reported_hints:
self.reported_hints.pop(data_hint, None)
return {'rating': 'unreported'}
if data['student_rating'] == 'remove':
for reported_hints in self.reported_hints:
if data_hint in self.reported_hints:
self.hint_database[self.reported_hints[data_hint]].pop(data_hint, None)
self.reported_hints.pop(data_hint, None)
return {'rating': 'removed'}
if data['student_rating'] == 'report':
if data_hint in self.reported_hints:
self.reported_hints.pop(data_hint, None)
return {'rating': 'unreported'}
elif data['student_rating'] == 'remove':
if data_hint in self.reported_hints:
self.hint_database[self.reported_hints[data_hint]].pop(data_hint, None)
self.reported_hints.pop(data_hint, None)
return {'rating': 'removed'}
elif data['student_rating'] == 'report':
# add hint to Reported dictionary
self.reported_hints[data_hint] = answer_data
return {"rating": 'reported', 'hint': data_hint}
rating = self.change_rating(data_hint, data_rating, answer_data)
return {"rating": rating, 'hint': data_hint}
def change_rating(self, data_hint, data_rating, answer_data):
This function is used to change the rating of a hint when students vote on its helpfulness.
Initiated by rate_hint. The temporary_dictionary is manipulated to be used
in self.rate_hint
data_hint: This is equal to the data['hint'] in self.rate_hint
data_rating: This is equal to the data['student_rating'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['student_answer'] in self.rate_hint
The rating associated with the hint is returned. This rating is identical
to what would be found under self.hint_database[answer_string[hint_string]]
if any(data_hint in generic_hints for generic_hints in self.generic_hints):
if data_rating == 'upvote':
delta_rating = 1
elif data_rating == 'upvote':
self.hint_database[answer_data][data_hint]["upvotes"] += 1
return {'success':True}
elif data_rating == 'downvote':
self.hint_database[answer_data][data_hint]["downvotes"] += 1
return {'success': True}
delta_rating = -1
self.hint_database[answer_data][data_hint] += delta_rating
return self.hint_database[answer_data)][data_hint]
return {'success':False, 'error': 'Unrecognized operation'}
def add_new_hint(self, data, suffix=''):
This function adds a new hint submitted by the student into the hint_database.
data['submission']: This is the text of the new hint that the student has submitted.
data['new_hint_submission']: This is the text of the new hint that the student has submitted.
data['answer']: This is the incorrect answer for which the student is submitting a new hint.
submission = data['submission']
submission = data['new_hint_submission']
answer = data['answer']
# If we don't have the hint already, add it
if submission not in self.hint_database[answer]:
self.hint_database[answer].update({submission: 0})
# if the hint exists already, simply upvote the previously entered hint
if submission in self.generic_hints:
self.hint_database[answer][submission] += 1
self.hint_database[answer].update({submission: {'upvotes':0, 'downvotes':0}})
return {'success':True,
'result': 'Hint added'}
self.upvote_hint(answer, submission)
return {'success':True,
'result': 'We already had this hint. We gave it an upvote'}
def studiodata(self, data, suffix=''):
......@@ -374,7 +387,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
{"generic_hints": "Make sure to check for basic mistakes like typos", "initial_hints": {"michiganp": "remove the p at the end.", "michigann": "too many Ns on there."}, "hinting_element": "i4x://edX/DemoX/problem/Text_Input"}
{"generic_hints": "Make sure to check for basic mistakes like typos", "initial_hints": {"michiganp": "remove the p at the end.", "michigann": "too many Ns on there."}, "target_problem": "i4x://edX/DemoX/problem/Text_Input"}
......@@ -385,11 +398,14 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
A minimal working test for parse_xml
block = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(cls, keys)
xmlText = json.loads(node.text)
if node.text:
xmlText = json.loads(node.text)
xmlText = None
if xmlText:
block.initial_hints = copy.copy(xmlText["initial_hints"])
block.Element = str(xmlText["hinting_element"])
block.target_problem = xmlText["target_problem"]
return block
# Generic functions/workarounds for XBlock API limitations and incompletions.
......@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
* Set the target problem for which to listen for the problem_graded event. Set target to first
* problem block if no hinting element has been manually entered.
if(data.hinting_element == undefined || data.hinting_element == ''){
if(data.target_problem == undefined || data.target_problem == ''){
//contains workaround because the data-usage-id shows up with ";_" in place of "/" in lms
hintingElement = ($('.xblock[data-block-type="problem"]').first().attr('data-usage-id')).replace(/;_/g, '/');
targetProblem = ($('.xblock[data-block-type="problem"]').first().attr('data-usage-id')).replace(/;_/g, '/');
} else {
hintingElement = data.hinting_element;
targetProblem = data.target_problem;
Logger.listen('problem_graded', hintingElement, onStudentSubmission());
Logger.listen('problem_graded', targetProblem, onStudentSubmission());
* Modify csh_hint_text attributes to show hint to the student.
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'add_new_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"submission": newHint, "answer": studentAnswer}),
data: JSON.stringify({"new_hint_submission": newHint, "answer": studentAnswer}),
success: function() {
$('.csh_student_text_input', element).attr('style', 'display: none;');
$(submitHintButtonHTML.currentTarget).attr('style', 'display: none;');
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