Commit a0c81873 by Sola

pulled remote

parents 02c5d095 deb1d23b
......@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
# Database of hints. hints are stored as such: {"incorrect_answer": {"hint": rating}}. each key (incorrect answer)
# has a corresponding dictionary (in which hints are keys and the hints' ratings are the values).
<<<<<<< HEAD
hint_database = Dict(default={'answer': {'hint': 5}}, scope=Scope.user_state_summary)
# Temporary values have been added into the hint_database for testing purposes (will be removed in the future)
hint_database = Dict(default={'answer': {'hint': 1}}, scope=Scope.user_state_summary)
hint_database = Dict(default={'answer': {'hint': 5}}, scope=Scope.user_state_summary)
>>>>>>> master
>>>>>>> deb1d23b2088dbdb6e497cfeeca7cf537eb9d5fd
# This is a dictionary of hints that will be used to determine what hints to show a student.
# flagged hints are not included in this dictionary of hints
HintsToUse = Dict({}, scope=Scope.user_state)
HintsToUse = Dict(}, scope=Scope.user_state)
# This is a list of incorrect answer submissions made by the student. this list is mostly used for
# feedback, to find which incorrect answer's hint a student voted on.
WrongAnswers = List([], scope=Scope.user_state)
......@@ -83,6 +83,28 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
return data.decode("utf8")
def clear_temp(self, data, suffix=''):
""" TODO: Remove or fix.
This clears all temprorary lists/dictionaries. This may not be relevant any longer
but is intended to prevent hints from messing up when changing between units within
a section.
remove_list = []
# a list is used to systematically remove all key/values from a dictionary.
# there may be a much cleaner way to do this but I could not find one very easily.
# This whole function will probably be removed if scopes are corrected later.
for used_hints in self.Used:
for items in remove_list:
remove_list = []
for wrong_answers in self.WrongAnswers:
for items in remove_list:
def get_hint(self, data, suffix=''):
Returns hints to students. Hints are placed into the HintsToUse dictionary if it is found that they
......@@ -279,35 +301,45 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
of 0, it is considered to be flagged.
data_hint: This is equal to the data['used_hint'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['student_answer'] in self.rate_hint
data_value: This is equal to the data['value'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['answer'] in self.rate_hint
for answer_keys in self.hint_database:
if answer_keys == data_hint:
if answer_keys == data_value:
for hint_keys in self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)]:
if str(hint_keys) == answer_data:
self.Flagged[str(hint_keys)] = str(answer_keys)
def change_rating(self, data_hint, data_rating, answer_data):
def change_rating(self, data_value, data_rating, answer_data):
This function is used to change the rating of a hint when it is voted on.
Initiated by rate_hint. The temporary_dictionary is manipulated to be used
in self.rate_hint
data_hint: This is equal to the data['used_hint'] in self.rate_hint
data_value: This is equal to the data['value'] in self.rate_hint
data_rating: This is equal to the data['student_rating'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['student_answer'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['answer'] in self.rate_hint
The rating associated with the hint is returned. This rating is identical
to what would be found under self.hint_database[answer_string[hint_string]]
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[str(answer_data)])
for hint_keys in self.Used:
if str(hint_keys) == str(answer_data):
# use index of hint used to find the hint within self.hint_database
answer = self.Used.index(str(answer_data))
for answer_keys in self.hint_database:
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)])
temporary_dictionary = (ast.literal_eval(temporary_dictionary))
temporary_dictionary[str(data_hint)] += int(data_rating)
self.hint_database[str(answer_data)] = temporary_dictionary
return str(temporary_dictionary[str(data_hint)])
# if I remember correctly, changing the rating values in self.hint_database
# didn't work correctly for some reason, so instead I manipulated this
# temporary dictionary and then set self.hint_database to equal it.
# probably due to scope error (which also is affecting the studio interactions)
if str(answer_keys) == str(self.WrongAnswers[answer]):
temporary_dictionary[self.Used[int(answer)]] += int(data_rating)
self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)] = temporary_dictionary
return str(temporary_dictionary[self.Used[int(answer)]])
def remove_symbols(self, answer_data):
......@@ -359,9 +391,9 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
data['answer']: This is the incorrect answer for which the student is submitting a new hint.
submission = data['submission'].replace('ddeecciimmaallppooiinntt', '.')
answer = data['answer'].replace('ddeecciimmaallppooiinntt', '.')
hint_id = data['answer'].replace('ddeecciimmaallppooiinntt', '.')
for answer_keys in self.hint_database:
if str(answer_keys) == str(answer):
if str(answer_keys) == self.WrongAnswers[self.Used.index(hint_id)]:
# find the answer for which a hint is being submitted
if str(submission) not in self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)]:
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)])
......@@ -374,15 +406,17 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
# if the hint exists already, simply upvote the previously entered hint
if str(submission) in self.DefaultHints:
self.DefaultHints[str(submission)] += int(1)
hint_index = self.Used.index(submission)
for default_hints in self.DefaultHints:
if default_hints == self.Used[int(hint_index)]:
self.DefaultHints[str(default_hints)] += int(1)
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[str(answer)])
for answer_keys in self.hint_database:
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)])
temporary_dictionary = (ast.literal_eval(temporary_dictionary))
temporary_dictionary[str(submission)] += int(data['rating'])
self.hint_database[str(answer)] = temporary_dictionary
if str(answer_keys) == str(self.WrongAnswers[int(hint_index)]):
temporary_dictionary[self.Used[int(hint_index)]] += int(data['rating'])
self.hint_database[str(answer_keys)] = temporary_dictionary
def studiodata(self, data, suffix=''):
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