Commit 7667b206 by solashirai Committed by Piotr Mitros

code improvement

parent 14587bca
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
frag.initialize_js('CrowdsourceHinter', {'hinting_element': self.Element, 'isStaff': self.Element})
frag.initialize_js('CrowdsourceHinter', {'hinting_element': self.Element, 'isStaff': self.xmodule_runtime.user_is_staff})
return frag
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
data['submittedanswer']: The string of text that the student submits for a problem.
'HintsToUse': the highest rated hint for an incorrect answer
'Hints': the highest rated hint for an incorrect answer
or another random hint for an incorrect answer
or 'Sorry, there are no more hints for this answer.' if no more hints exist
......@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
# currently set by default to True
if best_hint not in self.Reported.keys():
return {'HintsToUse': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'Hints': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
if best_hint not in self.Used:
# choose highest rated hint for the incorrect answer
if best_hint not in self.Reported.keys():
return {'HintsToUse': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'Hints': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
# choose another random hint for the answer.
temporary_hints_list = []
for hint_keys in self.hint_database[str(answer)]:
......@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
not_used = random.choice(temporary_hints_list)
return {'HintsToUse': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'Hints': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
# find generic hints for the student if no specific hints exist
if len(self.generic_hints) != 0:
not_used = random.choice(self.generic_hints)
return {'HintsToUse': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'Hints': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
# if there are no more hints left in either the database or defaults
self.Used.append(str("There are no hints for" + " " + answer))
return {'HintsToUse': "Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.", "StudentAnswer": answer}
return {'Hints': "Sorry, there are no hints for this answer.", "StudentAnswer": answer}
def find_hints(self, answer):
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<div class="crowdsourcehinter_block">
<div class='csh_hint_reveal'>
<div class='csh_HintsToUse' student_answer = '' hint_received=''>
<div class='csh_Hints' student_answer = '' hint_received=''>
<div class='csh_HintQuickFeedback'>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="upvote" title="This hint was helpful!">
......@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
var executeHinter = true;
$(".crowdsourcehinter_block", element).hide();
var isShowingHintFeedback = false;
var voted = false;
$(".csh_HintsToUse", element).text("");
var correctSubmission = false;
function stopScript(){
//This function is used to prevent a particular instance of the hinter from acting after
......@@ -18,44 +21,52 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
Logger.listen('seq_prev', null, stopScript);
Logger.listen('seq_goto', null, stopScript);
//data about the problem obtained from Logger.listen('problem_graded') is passed on to the onStudentSubmission.
//directly passing data to onStudentSubmission does not appear to work
function get_event_data(event_type, data, element){
//send student answer data and receive a hint from ajax call.
//pass data to showHint to actually show hint to student
function get_hint(data){
$(".crowdsourcehinter_block", element).show();
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"submittedanswer": unescape(data[0])}),
success: showHint
Logger.listen('problem_graded', data.hinting_element, get_event_data);
function onStudentSubmission(problem_graded_event_data){
//This function will determine whether or not the student correctly answered the question.
//If it was correctly answered it will begin the process for giving feedback on hints.
if (problem_graded_event_data[1].search(/class="correct/) === -1){
$(".crowdsourcehinter_block", element).show();
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"submittedanswer": unescape(problem_graded_event_data[0])}),
success: seehint
$('.csh_correct', element).show();
$(".csh_hint_reveal", element).hide();
//send empty data for ajax call because not having a data field causes error
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_feedback'),
data: JSON.stringify({}),
success: getFeedback
//first step to starting student feedback for hints
//this function will be called after student correctly answers question
function start_feedback(){
$('.csh_correct', element).show();
$(".csh_hint_reveal", element).hide();
//send empty data for ajax call because not having a data field causes error
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_feedback'),
data: JSON.stringify({}),
success: showStudentContribution
function seehint(result){
//Show a hint to the student after an incorrect answer is submitted.
$('.csh_HintsToUse', element).attr('student_answer', result.StudentAnswer);
$('.csh_HintsToUse', element).attr('hint_received', result.HintsToUse);
$('.csh_HintsToUse', element).text("Hint: " + result.HintsToUse);
Logger.log('crowd_hinter.seehint', {"student_answer": result.StudentAnswer, "hint_received": result.HintsToUse});
//This function will determine whether or not the student correctly answered the question.
//if incorrect, call function to get hint to show to student
//if correct, call function to start student feedback on hints
function onStudentSubmission(){ return function(event_type, data, element){
//search method of correctness of problem is brittle due to checking for a class within
//the problem block.
if (data[1].search(/class="correct/) === -1){
} else { //if the correct answer is submitted
Logger.listen('problem_graded', data.hinting_element, onStudentSubmission());
function showHint(result){
//Show a hint to the student after an incorrect answer is submitted.
$('.csh_Hints', element).attr('student_answer', result.StudentAnswer);
$('.csh_Hints', element).attr('hint_received', result.Hints);
$('.csh_Hints', element).text("Hint: " + result.Hints);
Logger.log('crowd_hinter.showHint', {"student_answer": result.StudentAnswer, "hint_received": result.Hints});
function showHintFeedback(hint, student_answer){
......@@ -93,7 +104,7 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$(".csh_reported_hints", element).append(html);
function setStudentAnswers(student_answers){
function showStudentSubmissionHistory(student_answers){
//Append new divisions into html for each answer the student submitted before correctly
//answering the question. showHintFeedback appends new hints into these divs.
//When the hinter is set to show best, only one div will be created
......@@ -106,7 +117,7 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$(".csh_feedback", element).append(html);
function getFeedback(result){
function showStudentContribution(result){
//Set up the student feedback stage. Each student answer and all answer-specific hints for that answer are shown
//to the student, as well as an option to create a new hint for an answer.
......@@ -121,7 +132,7 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$.each(result, function(index, value) {
if(value != "Reported"){
student_answer = value;
hint = index;
//hints return null if no answer-specific hints exist
......@@ -151,17 +162,17 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$(element).on('click', '.csh_student_hint_creation', function(){
function create_text_input(){ return function(clicked){
//create text input area for contributing a new hint
$('.csh_student_hint_creation', element).each(function(){
$('.csh_student_text_input', element).remove();
$('.csh_submit_new', element).remove();
student_answer = $(this).parent().parent().find('.csh_answer_text').attr('answer');
student_answer = $(clicked.currentTarget).parent().parent().find('.csh_answer_text').attr('answer');
$(".csh_student_answer", element).each(function(){
if ($(this).find('.csh_answer_text').attr('answer') == student_answer){
if ($('.csh_answer_text', element).attr('answer') == student_answer){
var html = "";
var template = $('#student_hint_creation').html();
......@@ -171,12 +182,13 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$(element).on('click', '.csh_student_hint_creation', create_text_input($(this)));
$(element).on('click', '.csh_submit_new', function(){
function submit_new_hint(){ return function(clicked){
//add the newly created hint to the hinter's pool of hints
if($(this).parent().parent().find('.csh_student_text_input').val().length > 0){
var answerdata = unescape($(this).attr('answer'));
if($('.csh_student_text_input', element).val().length > 0){
var answerdata = unescape(clicked.currentTarget.attributes['answer'].value);
var newhint = unescape($('.csh_student_text_input').val());
$('.csh_submitbutton', element).show();
......@@ -185,28 +197,31 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
data: JSON.stringify({"submission": newhint, "answer": answerdata}),
success: Logger.log('', {"student_answer": answerdata, "new_hint_submission": newhint})
$('.csh_student_text_input', element).remove();
$(element).on('click', '.csh_submit_new', submit_new_hint($(this)));
$(element).on('click', '.csh_rate_hint', function(){
function rate_hint(){ return function(clicked){
//send info to hinter indicating whether the hint was upvoted, downvoted, or reported
if(!voted || $(this).attr('data-rate')=="report"){
if ($(this).attr('data-rate') == "report"){
alert("This hint has been reported for review.");
hint = $('.csh_HintsToUse', element).attr('hint_received');
student_answer = $('.csh_HintsToUse', element).attr('student_answer');
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'rate_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_rating": $(this).attr('data-rate'), "hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer}),
success: Logger.log('', {"hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer, "rating": $(this).attr('data-rate')})
voted = true;
rating = clicked.currentTarget.attributes['data-rate'].value;
if(!voted || rating=="report"){
if (rating == "report"){
alert("This hint has been reported for review.");
hint = $('.csh_Hints', element).attr('hint_received');
student_answer = $('.csh_Hints', element).attr('student_answer');
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'rate_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_rating": rating, "hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer}),
success: Logger.log('', {"hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer, "rating": rating})
voted = true;
$(element).on('click', '.csh_rate_hint', rate_hint($(this)));
function removeFeedback(){
//remove a hint from the staff feedback area after a staff member has
......@@ -218,17 +233,19 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element, data){
$(element).on('click', '.csh_staff_rate', function(){
function staff_rate_hint(){ return function(clicked){
//Staff "rating" removes or returns a reported hint from/to the hinter's pool of hints
hint = $(this).parent().find(".csh_hint").text();
hint = $(clicked.currentTarget).parent().find(".csh_hint").text();
rating = clicked.currentTarget.attributes['data-rate'].value
student_answer = "Reported";
Logger.log('', {"hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer, "rating": $(this).attr('data-rate')});
Logger.log('', {"hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer, "rating": rating});
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'rate_hint'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_rating": $(this).attr('data-rate'), "hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer}),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_rating": rating, "hint": hint, "student_answer": student_answer}),
success: removeFeedback()
$(element).on('click', '.csh_staff_rate', staff_rate_hint($(this)));
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