Commit 4661f181 by solashirai Committed by Piotr Mitros

working on fixing problem_check and parse_xml

parent 330a96c5
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
{"initial_hint_answer": "michigann", "initial_hint_text": "you have an extra n", "generic_hint": "make sure to chekc your spelling"}
{"initial_hint_answer": "michigann", "initial_hint_text": "you have an extra n", "generic_hint": "make sure to check your spelling"}
......@@ -398,5 +398,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
A minimal working test for parse_xml
block = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(cls, keys)
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
#from IPython import embed
return block
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ function CrowdsourceHinter(runtime, element){
//directly passing data to onStudentSubmission does not appear to work
function get_event_data(event_type, data, element){
Logger.listen('problem_check', null, get_event_data);
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