Commit 1df32037 by Sola

non-default hints now are correctly rated (better rating funciton to be added)

parent f9fc1cd9
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#get_hint and get_feedback are in
class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
hints = Dict(default={"1": {"hint1":10, "hint2":0, "hint3":0, "hint4":0}, "2": {"hint12":0, "hint22":0, "hints32":0}}, scope=Scope.content) #All hints. sorted by type of mistake. type_of_incorrect_answer{"hint":rating, "hint":rating}
hints = Dict(default={"1": {"hint1":10, "hint2":0, "hint3":0, "hint4":0}, "2": {"hint12":10, "hint22":0, "hints32":0}}, scope=Scope.content) #All hints. sorted by type of mistake. type_of_incorrect_answer{"hint":rating, "hint":rating}
HintsToUse = Dict(default={}, scope=Scope.user_state) #Dict of hints to provide user
WrongAnswers = List(default=[], scope=Scope.user_state) #List of mistakes made by user
DefaultHints = Dict(default={"hint": 100, "hinttwo": 10, "hintthree": 0, "hintasdf": 50, "aas;dklfj?": 1000, "SuperDuperBestHint": 10000}, scope=Scope.content) #Default hints in case no incorrect answers in hints match the user's mistake
......@@ -39,15 +39,20 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
if data["submittedanswer"] not in self.hints:
self.hints[data["submittedanswer"]] = {} #add user's incorrect answer to WrongAnswers
for key in self.hints:
print("key" + str(key))
temphints = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #perhaps a better way to do this exists, but for now this works
if key == data["submittedanswer"]:
if str(key) == str(data["submittedanswer"]):
self.HintsToUse = {}
self.HintsToUse = {}
if len(self.HintsToUse) <= 2: #incorrect answer to HintsToUse
self.HintsToUse.update(self.DefaultHints) #Use DefaultHints if there aren't enough other hints
# self.HintsToUse = self.DefaultHints.copy()
if len(self.WrongAnswers) == 1:
if max(self.HintsToUse.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] not in self.Used:
self.Used.append(max(self.HintsToUse.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]) #Highest rated hint is shown first
print self.HintsToUse
return {'HintsToUse': max(self.HintsToUse.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]}
......@@ -69,11 +74,12 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
@XBlock.json_handler #add 1 or -1 to rating of a hint
def rate_hint(self, data, suffix=''):
for key in self.hints: #rating for hints in hints dictionary
if key == self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']]:
for y in self.hints[self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']]]: #ansnum represents which hint/
if y == self.Used[data['ansnum']]: #answer pair is being rated
self.hints[self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']][y]] += int(data["rating"])#0 is first hint/answer
for key in self.hints:
tempdict = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #rate hint that is in hints
tempdict = (ast.literal_eval(tempdict))
if key == self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']]: #ansnum will the the answer/hint pair that is selected
tempdict[self.Used[data['ansnum']]] += int(data["rating"])
self.hints[str(key)[0]] = tempdict
for key in self.DefaultHints:
if key == self.Used[data['ansnum']]: #rating for hints in DefaultHints
self.DefaultHints[key] += int(data["rating"])
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