--- # create the 'edx' virtual environment in /opt so that roles can populate it - name: common | Install python and pip apt: pkg={{item}} install_recommends=yes state=present update_cache=yes with_items: - python2.7 - python-pip - python2.7-dev tags: - pre_install - install - name: common | pip install virtualenv pip: > name=virtualenv state=present extra_args="-i {{ PYPI_MIRROR_URL }}" tags: - venv_base - install - name: common | pip install virtualenvwrapper pip: > name=virtualenvwrapper state=present extra_args="-i {{ PYPI_MIRROR_URL }}" tags: - venv_base - install - name: common | create edx virtualenv directory file: path={{ venv_dir }} owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=2775 state=directory tags: - venv_base - install - name: common | create the edx virtualenv directory initial contents command: /usr/local/bin/virtualenv {{ venv_dir }} --distribute creates=$venv_dir/bin/activate tags: - venv_base - install - name: common | pip install gunicorn pip: > name=gunicorn virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present extra_args="-i {{ PYPI_MIRROR_URL }}" tags: - gunicorn - install