# edX Configuration
# github:     https://github.com/edx/configuration
# wiki:       https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS
# code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions
# license:    https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
# Tasks for role hive
# Overview:
# Install and configure Hive.
# Dependencies:
# hadoop_common: Hive requires Hadoop to be installed to function properly.

- name: check if downloaded and extracted
  stat: path={{ HIVE_HOME }}
  register: extracted_dir

- name: distribution downloaded
  get_url: >
    url={{ hive_dist.url }}
    sha256sum={{ hive_dist.sha256sum }}
    dest={{ hive_temporary_dir }}
  when: not extracted_dir.stat.exists

- name: distribution extracted
  shell: >
    tar -xzf {{ hive_temporary_dir }}/{{ hive_dist.filename }} && chown -R {{ hadoop_common_user }}:{{ hadoop_common_group }} hive-{{ HIVE_VERSION }}-bin
  when: not extracted_dir.stat.exists

- name: versioned directory symlink created
  file: >
    src={{ HADOOP_COMMON_USER_HOME }}/hive-{{ HIVE_VERSION }}-bin
    dest={{ HIVE_HOME }}
    owner={{ hadoop_common_user }} group={{ hadoop_common_group }} state=link

- name: hive mysql connector distribution downloaded
  get_url: >
    url={{ hive_mysql_connector_dist.url }}
    sha256sum={{ hive_mysql_connector_dist.sha256sum }}
    dest={{ hive_temporary_dir }}
  when: not extracted_dir.stat.exists

- name: hive mysql connector distribution extracted
  shell: >
    chdir={{ hive_temporary_dir }}
    tar -xzf {{ hive_temporary_dir }}/{{ hive_mysql_connector_dist.filename }}
  when: not extracted_dir.stat.exists

- name: hive lib exists
  file: >
    path={{ HIVE_LIB }}
    owner={{ hadoop_common_user }} group={{ hadoop_common_group }} state=directory

- name: hive mysql connector installed
  shell: >
    chdir=/{{ hive_temporary_dir }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ HIVE_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}
    cp mysql-connector-java-{{ HIVE_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar {{ HIVE_LIB }} &&
    chown {{ hadoop_common_user }}:{{ hadoop_common_group }} {{ HIVE_LIB }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ HIVE_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar
  when: not extracted_dir.stat.exists

- name: configuration installed
  template: >
    src={{ item }}.j2
    dest={{ HIVE_CONF }}/{{ item }}
    mode=0640 owner={{ hadoop_common_user }} group={{ hadoop_common_group }}
    - hive-env.sh
    - hive-site.xml

- name: env vars sourced in hadoop env
  lineinfile: >
    dest={{ hadoop_common_env }} state=present
    regexp="^. {{ HIVE_CONF }}/hive-env.sh" line=". {{ HIVE_CONF }}/hive-env.sh"