SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY: help requirements clean build test pkg include *.mk help: @echo '' @echo 'Makefile for the edX Configuration' @echo '' @echo 'Usage:' @echo ' make requirements install requirements' @echo ' make test run all tests' @echo ' make build build everything' @echo ' make pkg package everything' @echo ' make clean remove build by-products' @echo '' @echo ' Docker:' @echo ' $$image: any dockerhub image' @echo ' $$container: any container defined in docker/build/$$container/Dockerfile' @echo '' @echo ' make $(docker_pull)$$image pull $$image from dockerhub' @echo '' @echo ' make $(docker_build)$$container build $$container' @echo ' make $(docker_test)$$container test that $$container will build' @echo ' make $(docker_pkg)$$container package $$container for a push to dockerhub' @echo ' make $(docker_push)$$container push $$container to dockerhub ' @echo '' @echo ' make build all defined docker containers (based on dockerhub base images)' @echo ' make docker.test test all defined docker containers' @echo ' make docker.pkg package all defined docker containers (using local base images)' @echo ' make docker.push push all defined docker containers' @echo '' @echo ' Tests:' @echo ' test.syntax Run all syntax tests' @echo ' test.syntax.json Run syntax tests on .json files' @echo ' test.syntax.yml Run syntax tests on .yml files' @echo ' test.syntax.jinja Run syntax tests on .j2 files' @echo ' test.edx_east_roles Run validation on edx-east roles' @echo '' requirements: pip install -qr pre-requirements.txt --exists-action w pip install -qr requirements.txt --exists-action w