#!/usr/bin/env bash # Stop if any command fails set -e # defaults CONFIGURATION="none" TARGET="none" INTERACTIVE=true OPENEDX_ROOT="/edx" show_help () { cat <<- EOM Migrates your Open edX installation to a different release. -c CONFIGURATION Use the given configuration. Either \"devstack\" or \"fullstack\". You must specify this. -t TARGET Migrate to the given git ref. You must specify this. Named releases are called \"named-release/cypress\", \"named-release/dogwood.rc2\", and so on. -y Run in non-interactive mode (reply \"yes\" to all questions) -r OPENEDX_ROOT The root directory under which all Open edX applications are installed. Defaults to \"$OPENEDX_ROOT\" -h Show this help and exit. EOM } # override defaults with options while getopts "hc:t:y" opt; do case "$opt" in h) show_help exit 0 ;; c) CONFIGURATION=$OPTARG ;; t) TARGET=$OPTARG ;; y) INTERACTIVE=false ;; r) OPENEDX_ROOT=$OPTARG ;; esac done # Helper to ask to proceed. confirm_proceed () { echo "Do you wish to proceed?" read input if [[ "$input" != "yes" && "$input" != "y" ]]; then echo "Quitting" exit 1 fi } # Check we are in the right place, and have the info we need. if [[ ! -d /edx/app/edxapp ]]; then echo "Run this on your Open edX machine." exit 1 fi if [[ $TARGET == none ]]; then cat <<"EOM" You must specify a target. This should be the next named release after the one you are currently running. This script can only move forward one release at a time. EOM show_help exit 1 fi if [[ $CONFIGURATION == none ]]; then echo "You must specify a configuration, either fullstack or devstack." exit 1 fi APPUSER=edxapp if [[ $CONFIGURATION == fullstack ]] ; then APPUSER=www-data fi # Birch details if [[ $TARGET == *birch* && $INTERACTIVE == true ]] ; then cat <<"EOM" WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING The Birch release of Open edX depends on MySQL 5.6 and MongoDB 2.6.4. The Aspen release of Open edX depended on MySQL 5.5 and MongoDB 2.4.7. Please make sure that you have already upgraded MySQL and MongoDB before continuing. If MySQL or MongoDB are not at the correct version, this script will attempt to automatically upgrade them for you. However, this process can fail, and IT RUNS THE RISK OF CORRUPTING ALL YOUR DATA. Here there be dragons. .> )\;`a__ ( _ _)/ /-." ~~ `( )_ )/ <_ <_ Once you have verified that your MySQL and MongoDB versions are correct, or you have decided to risk the automatic upgrade process, type "yes" followed by enter to continue. Otherwise, press ctrl-c to quit. You can also run this script with the -y flag to skip this check. EOM confirm_proceed fi # Cypress details if [[ $TARGET == *cypress* && $INTERACTIVE == true ]] ; then cat <<"EOM" WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Due to the changes introduced between Birch and Cypress, you may encounter some problems in this migration. If so, check this webpage for solutions: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Potential+Problems+Migrating+from+Birch+to+Cypress EOM confirm_proceed fi if [[ $TARGET == *cypress* ]] ; then # Needed if transitioning to Cypress. echo "Killing all celery worker processes." sudo ${OPENEDX_ROOT}/bin/supervisorctl stop edxapp_worker:* & sleep 3 # Supervisor restarts the process a couple of times so we have to kill it multiple times. sudo pgrep -lf celery | grep worker | awk '{ print $1}' | sudo xargs -I {} kill -9 {} sleep 3 sudo pgrep -lf celery | grep worker | awk '{ print $1}' | sudo xargs -I {} kill -9 {} sleep 3 sudo pgrep -lf celery | grep worker | awk '{ print $1}' | sudo xargs -I {} kill -9 {} sleep 3 sudo pgrep -lf celery | grep worker | awk '{ print $1}' | sudo xargs -I {} kill -9 {} sudo -u forum git -C ${OPENEDX_ROOT}/app/forum/.rbenv reset --hard fi if [[ -f /edx/app/edx_ansible/server-vars.yml ]]; then SERVER_VARS="--extra-vars=\"@${OPENEDX_ROOT}/app/edx_ansible/server-vars.yml\"" fi make_config_venv () { virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r configuration/pre-requirements.txt pip install -r configuration/requirements.txt } TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d` echo "Working in $TEMPDIR" chmod 777 $TEMPDIR cd $TEMPDIR # Set the CONFIGURATION_TARGET environment variable to use a different branch # in the configuration repo, defaults to $TARGET. git clone https://github.com/edx/configuration.git \ --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=${CONFIGURATION_TARGET-$TARGET} make_config_venv # Dogwood details if [[ $TARGET == *dogwood* ]] ; then # Run the forum migrations. cat > migrate-008-context.js <<"EOF" // from: https://github.com/edx/cs_comments_service/blob/master/scripts/db/migrate-008-context.js print ("Add the new indexes for the context field"); db.contents.ensureIndex({ _type: 1, course_id: 1, context: 1, pinned: -1, created_at: -1 }, {background: true}) db.contents.ensureIndex({ _type: 1, commentable_id: 1, context: 1, pinned: -1, created_at: -1 }, {background: true}) print ("Adding context to all comment threads where it does not yet exist\n"); var bulk = db.contents.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); bulk.find( {_type: "CommentThread", context: {$exists: false}} ).update( {$set: {context: "course"}} ); bulk.execute(); printjson (db.runCommand({ getLastError: 1, w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 } )); EOF mongo cs_comments_service migrate-008-context.js # We are upgrading Python from 2.7.3 to 2.7.10, so remake the venvs. sudo rm -rf /edx/app/*/v*envs/* echo "Upgrading to the end of Django 1.4" cd configuration/playbooks/vagrant sudo ansible-playbook \ --inventory-file=localhost, \ --connection=local \ $SERVER_VARS \ --extra-vars="edx_platform_version=release-2015-11-09" \ --extra-vars="xqueue_version=named-release/cypress" \ --extra-vars="migrate_db=yes" \ --skip-tags="edxapp-sandbox" \ vagrant-$CONFIGURATION-delta.yml cd ../../.. # Remake our own venv because of the Python 2.7.10 upgrade. rm -rf venv make_config_venv # Need to get rid of South from edx-platform, or things won't work. sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp uninstall -y South echo "Upgrading to the beginning of Django 1.8" cd configuration/playbooks/vagrant sudo ansible-playbook \ --inventory-file=localhost, \ --connection=local \ $SERVER_VARS \ --extra-vars="edx_platform_version=dogwood-first-18" \ --extra-vars="xqueue_version=dogwood-first-18" \ --extra-vars="migrate_db=no" \ --skip-tags="edxapp-sandbox" \ vagrant-$CONFIGURATION-delta.yml cd ../../.. echo "Running the Django 1.8 faked migrations" for item in lms cms; do sudo -u $APPUSER -E /edx/bin/python.edxapp \ /edx/bin/manage.edxapp $item migrate --settings=aws --noinput --fake-initial done if [[ $CONFIGURATION == fullstack ]] ; then sudo -u xqueue \ SERVICE_VARIANT=xqueue \ /edx/app/xqueue/venvs/xqueue/bin/python \ /edx/app/xqueue/xqueue/manage.py migrate \ --settings=xqueue.aws_settings --noinput --fake-initial fi fi echo "Updating to final version of code" cd configuration/playbooks echo "edx_platform_version: $TARGET" > vars.yml echo "ora2_version: $TARGET" >> vars.yml echo "certs_version: $TARGET" >> vars.yml echo "forum_version: $TARGET" >> vars.yml echo "xqueue_version: $TARGET" >> vars.yml sudo ansible-playbook \ --inventory-file=localhost, \ --connection=local \ --extra-vars="@vars.yml" \ $SERVER_VARS \ vagrant-$CONFIGURATION.yml cd ../.. if [[ $TARGET == *dogwood* ]] ; then echo "Running data fixup management commands" sudo -u $APPUSER -E /edx/bin/python.edxapp \ /edx/bin/manage.edxapp lms --settings=aws generate_course_overview --all sudo -u $APPUSER -E /edx/bin/python.edxapp \ /edx/bin/manage.edxapp lms --settings=aws post_cohort_membership_fix --commit # Run the forums migrations again to catch things made while this script # was running. mongo cs_comments_service migrate-008-context.js fi cd / sudo rm -rf $TEMPDIR echo "Migration complete. Please reboot your machine."