""" For a given aws account, go through all un-attached volumes and tag them. """ import boto import boto.utils import argparse import logging import subprocess import time import os from os.path import join, exists, isdir, islink, realpath, basename, dirname import yaml # needs to be pip installed import netaddr LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s" TIMEOUT = 300 log_level = logging.INFO def tags_for_hostname(hostname, mapping): logging.debug("Hostname is {}".format(hostname)) if not hostname.startswith('ip-'): return {} octets = hostname.lstrip('ip-').split('-') tags = {} # Update with env and deployment info tags.update(mapping['CIDR_SECOND_OCTET'][octets[1]]) ip_addr = netaddr.IPAddress(".".join(octets)) for key, value in mapping['CIDR_REST'].items(): cidr = ".".join([ mapping['CIDR_FIRST_OCTET'], octets[1], key]) cidrset = netaddr.IPSet([cidr]) if ip_addr in cidrset: tags.update(value) return tags def potential_devices(root_device): device_dir = dirname(root_device) relevant_devices = lambda x: x.startswith(basename(root_device)) all_devices = os.listdir(device_dir) all_devices = filter(relevant_devices, all_devices) logging.info("Potential devices on {}: {}".format(root_device, all_devices)) if len(all_devices) > 1: all_devices.remove(basename(root_device)) return map(lambda x: join(device_dir, x), all_devices) def get_tags_for_disk(mountpoint): tag_data = {} # Look at some files on it to determine: # - hostname # - environment # - deployment # - cluster # - instance-id # - date created hostname_file = join(mountpoint, "etc", "hostname") edx_dir = join(mountpoint, 'edx', 'app') if exists(hostname_file): # This means this was a root volume. with open(hostname_file, 'r') as f: hostname = f.readline().strip() tag_data['hostname'] = hostname if exists(edx_dir) and isdir(edx_dir): # This is an ansible related ami, we'll try to map # the hostname to a knows deployment and cluster. cluster_tags = tags_for_hostname(hostname, mappings) tag_data.update(cluster_tags) else: # Not an ansible created root volume. tag_data['cluster'] = 'unknown' else: # Not a root volume tag_data['cluster'] = "unknown" instance_file = join(mountpoint, "var", "lib", "cloud", "instance") if exists(instance_file) and islink(instance_file): resolved_path = realpath(instance_file) old_instance_id = basename(resolved_path) tag_data['instance-id'] = old_instance_id return tag_data if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tag unattached ebs volumes.") parser.add_argument("--profile", '-p', help="AWS Profile to use with boto.") parser.add_argument("--noop", "-n", action="store_true", help="Don't actually tag anything.") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="More verbose output.") parser.add_argument("--device", "-d", default="/dev/xvdf", help="The /dev/??? where the volume should be mounted.") parser.add_argument("--mountpoint", "-m", default="/mnt", help="Location to mount the new device.") parser.add_argument("--config", "-c", required=True, help="Configuration to map hostnames to tags.") # The config should specify what tags to associate with the second # and this octet of the hostname which should be the ip address. # example: args = parser.parse_args() mappings = yaml.safe_load(open(args.config,'r')) # Setup Logging if args.verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, level=log_level) # setup boto ec2 = boto.connect_ec2(profile_name=args.profile) # get mounting args id_info = boto.utils.get_instance_identity()['document'] instance_id = id_info['instanceId'] az = id_info['availabilityZone'] root_device = args.device mountpoint = args.mountpoint # Find all unattached volumes filters = { "status": "available", "availability-zone": az } potential_volumes = ec2.get_all_volumes(filters=filters) logging.debug("Found {} unattached volumes in {}".format(len(potential_volumes), az)) for vol in potential_volumes: if "cluster" in vol.tags: continue # Attach volume to the instance running this process logging.debug("Trying to attach {} to {} at {}".format( vol.id, instance_id, root_device)) try: ec2.attach_volume(vol.id, instance_id, root_device) # Wait for the volume to finish attaching. waiting_msg = "Waiting for {} to be available at {}" timeout = TIMEOUT while not exists(root_device): time.sleep(2) logging.debug(waiting_msg.format(vol.id, root_device)) timeout -= 2 if timeout <= 0: logging.critical("Timed out while attaching {}.".format(vol.id)) exit(1) # Because a volume might have multiple mount points devices_on_volume = potential_devices(root_device) if len(devices_on_volume) != 1: vol.add_tag("devices_on_volume", str(devices_on_volume)) # Don't tag in this case because the different devices # may have conflicting tags. logging.info("Skipping {} because it has multiple mountpoints.".format(vol.id)) logging.info("{} has mountpoints {}".format(vol.id, str(devices_on_volume))) else: device = devices_on_volume[0] try: # Mount the volume subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "mount", device, mountpoint]) # Learn all tags we can know from content on disk. tag_data = get_tags_for_disk(mountpoint) tag_data['created'] = vol.create_time # If they are found tag the instance with them if args.noop: logging.info("Would have tagged {} with: \n{}".format(vol.id, str(tag_data))) else: logging.info("Tagging {} with: \n{}".format(vol.id, str(tag_data))) vol.add_tags(tag_data) finally: # Un-mount the volume subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'umount', mountpoint]) finally: # Need this to be a function so we always re-check the API for status. is_attached = lambda vol_id: ec2.get_all_volumes(vol_id)[0].status != "available" timeout = TIMEOUT while exists(root_device) or is_attached(vol.id): if is_attached(vol.id): try: # detach the volume ec2.detach_volume(vol.id) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as e: logging.warning("Failed to detach volume. Will try again in a bit.") time.sleep(2) timeout -= 2 if timeout <= 0: logging.critical("Timed out while detaching {}.".format(vol.id)) exit(1) logging.debug("Waiting for {} to be detached.".format(vol.id))