# edX Configuration
# github:     https://github.com/edx/configuration
# wiki:       https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS
# code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions
# license:    https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
# Usage: ansible-playbook -i lms-host-1, ./populate_configuration_model.yml -e "file=/path/to/json/file" -e "user=username"
# Overview:
# This executes the "populate_model" management command to populate a ConfigurationModel with
# data from the supplied JSON file.
# The username of an existing user must be specified to indicate who is performing the operation.
# JSON file format should be:
#    { "model": "config_models.ExampleConfigurationModel",
#      "data":
#        [
#          { "enabled": True,
#            "color": "black"
#            ...
#          },
#          { "enabled": False,
#            "color": "yellow"
#            ...
#          },
#          ...
#        ]
#   }

- hosts: all
    python_path: /edx/bin/python.edxapp
    manage_path: /edx/bin/manage.edxapp
  become_user: www-data
  become: true
    - name: Create a temp directory
      shell: mktemp -d /tmp/ansible_xblock_config.XXXXX
      register: xblock_config_temp_directory
    - name: Copy config file to remote server
        src: "{{ file }}"
        dest: "{{ xblock_config_temp_directory.stdout }}/{{ file | basename }}"
      register: xblock_config_file
    - name: Manage xblock configurations
      shell: "{{ python_path }} {{ manage_path }} lms --settings=aws populate_model -f {{ xblock_config_file.dest | quote }} -u {{ user }}"
      register: command_result
      changed_when: "'Import complete, 0 new entries created' not in command_result.stdout"
    - debug: msg="{{ command_result.stdout }}"
    - name: Clean up tempdir
        path: "{{ xblock_config_temp_directory.stdout }}"
        state: absent