#!/usr/bin/env python

module: util_map
short_description: Applies a function to input and returns the result with the key function_output
  - Applies functions to data structures returning a new data structure.
version_added: "1.8"
author: Edward Zarecor
      - The function to apply, currently ['zip_to_dict','flatten']
    required: true
      - The input
    required: true
      - Arguments to the function other than the input, varies by function.

- name: Apply function to results from ec2_scaling_policies
    function: 'zip_to_dict'
    input: "{{ created_policies.results }}"
      - "name"
      - "arn"
  register: policy_data

- name: Apply function to policy data
    function: 'flatten'
      - 'a'
      - 'b'
      - 'c'
      - ['d','e','f']
  register: flat_list

from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
import ast
import itertools

class ArgumentError(Exception):

def flatten(module, input):
    Takes an iterable and returns a flat list

    With the input of


    this function will return

    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'a', 'b']

    :param module: The ansible module
    :param input: An iterable
    :return: A flat list.

        flat = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(input))
    except TypeError as te:
        raise ArgumentError("Flatten resulted in a type error, {0}.".format(te.message))

    module.exit_json(function_output = flat)

def zip_to_dict(module, input, key_key, value_key):
    Takes an array of dicts and flattens it to a single dict by extracting the values
    of a provided key as the keys in the new dict and the values of the second
    provided key as the corresponding values.

    For example, the input dict of

    [{'name':'fred', 'id':'123'},{'name':'bill', 'id':'321'}]

    with an args array of ['id','name']

    would return


    :param input: an array of dicts, typically the results of an ansible module
    :param key_key: a key into the input dict returning a value to be used as a key in the flattened dict
    :param value_key: a key into the input dict returning a value to be used as a value in the flattened dict
    :return: the flattened dict

    results = {}

    for item in input:

    module.exit_json(function_output = results)

def zip_to_list(module, input, key):
    Takes an array of dicts and flattens it to a single list by extracting the value
    of a provided key as an item in the new list.

    For example, the input list of dicts like

    [{'name':'fred', 'id':'123'},{'name':'bill', 'id':'321'}]

    with an args array of ['name']

    would return


    :param input: an array of dicts, typically the results of an ansible module
    :param key: a key into the input dict returning a value to be used as an item in the flattend list
    :return: the flattened list

    results = []

    for item in input:

    module.exit_json(function_output = results)

def zip_to_listdict(module, input, key_name, value_name):
    Take an array of dicts and build a list of dicts where the name of the key
    is taken as a value of one of the keys in the input list and the vaule is
    the value of a different key.

    For example with an input like
    [{'tag_name': 'Name', 'tag_value': 'stage-edx-edxapp'}, {'tag_name': 'cluster', 'tag_value': 'edxapp'}]

    and an args array of ['tag_name', 'tag_value']

    would return

    [{'Name': 'stage-edx-edxapp'}, {'cluster': 'edxapp'}]

    NB: This is used to work around the fact that we can template out the names
    of keys in dictionaries in ansible.

    results = []
    for item in input:
        results.append({ item[key_name]: item[value_name]})


def main():

    arg_spec = dict(
        function=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        input=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        args=dict(required=False, type='list'),

    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=arg_spec, supports_check_mode=False)

    target = module.params.get('function')
    # reify input data
    input = ast.literal_eval(module.params.get('input'))
    args = module.params.get('args')

    if target == 'zip_to_dict':
        zip_to_dict(module, input, *args)
    elif target == 'flatten':
    elif target == 'zip_to_list':
        zip_to_list(module, input, *args)
    elif target == 'zip_to_listdict':
        zip_to_listdict(module, input, *args)
        raise NotImplemented("Function {0} is not implemented.".format(target))
