#!/usr/bin/env python -u import boto import boto.route53 import boto.route53.record import boto.ec2.elb import boto.rds2 import time from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter import datetime import sys from vpcutil import rds_subnet_group_name_for_stack_name, all_stack_names import os description = """ Creates a new RDS instance using restore from point in time using the latest available backup. The new db will be the same size as the original. The name of the db will remain the same, the master db password will be changed and is set on the command line. If stack-name is provided the RDS instance will be launched in the VPC that corresponds to that name. New db name defaults to "from-<source db name>-<human date>-<ts>" A new DNS entry will be created for the RDS when provided on the command line """ RDS_SIZES = [ 'db.m1.small', 'db.m1.large', 'db.m1.xlarge', 'db.m2.xlarge', 'db.m2.2xlarge', 'db.m2.4xlarg', ] def parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:]): stack_names = all_stack_names() rds = boto.rds2.connect_to_region('us-east-1') dbs = [db['DBInstanceIdentifier'] for db in rds.describe_db_instances()['DescribeDBInstancesResponse']['DescribeDBInstancesResult']['DBInstances']] parser = ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--vpc', default=None, action="store_true", help='this is for a vpc') parser.add_argument('--security-group', default=None, help='security group name that should be assigned to the new RDS instance (vpc only!)') parser.add_argument('--subnet', default=None, help='subnet that should be used for the RDS instance (vpc only!)') parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', choices=RDS_SIZES, default='db.m1.small', help='RDS size to create instances of') parser.add_argument('-d', '--db-source', choices=dbs, default=u'stage-edx', help="source db to clone") parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help="password for the new database", metavar="NEW PASSWORD") parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', default='us-east-1', help="region to connect to") parser.add_argument('--dns', help="dns entry for the new rds instance") parser.add_argument('--clean-wwc', action="store_true", default=False, help="clean the wwc db after launching it into the vpc, removing sensitive data") parser.add_argument('--clean-prod-grader', action="store_true", default=False, help="clean the prod_grader db after launching it into the vpc, removing sensitive data") parser.add_argument('--dump', action="store_true", default=False, help="create a sql dump after launching it into the vpc") parser.add_argument('-s', '--secret-var-files', action="append", required=True, help="use one or more secret var files to run ansible against the host to update db users") return parser.parse_args(args) def wait_on_db_status(db_name, region='us-east-1', wait_on='available', aws_id=None, aws_secret=None): rds = boto.rds2.connect_to_region(region) while True: statuses = rds.describe_db_instances(db_name)['DescribeDBInstancesResponse']['DescribeDBInstancesResult']['DBInstances'] if len(statuses) > 1: raise Exception("More than one instance returned for {0}".format(db_name)) if statuses[0]['DBInstanceStatus'] == wait_on: print("Status is: {}".format(wait_on)) break sys.stdout.write("status is {}..\n".format(statuses[0]['DBInstanceStatus'])) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10) return if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() sanitize_wwc_sql_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "sanitize-db-wwc.sql") sanitize_prod_grader_sql_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "sanitize-db-prod_grader.sql") play_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../../playbooks/edx-east") rds = boto.rds2.connect_to_region(args.region) restore_dbid = 'from-{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(args.db_source, datetime.date.today(), int(time.time())) restore_args = dict( source_db_instance_identifier=args.db_source, target_db_instance_identifier=restore_dbid, use_latest_restorable_time=True, db_instance_class=args.type, ) if args.vpc: restore_args['db_subnet_group_name'] = args.subnet rds.restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time(**restore_args) wait_on_db_status(restore_dbid) print("Getting db host") db_host = rds.describe_db_instances(restore_dbid)['DescribeDBInstancesResponse']['DescribeDBInstancesResult']['DBInstances'][0]['Endpoint']['Address'] modify_args = dict( apply_immediately=True ) if args.password: modify_args['master_user_password'] = args.password if args.vpc: modify_args['vpc_security_group_ids'] = [args.security_group] else: # dev-edx is the default security group for dbs that # are not in the vpc, it allows connections from the various # NAT boxes and from sandboxes modify_args['db_security_groups'] = ['dev-edx'] # Update the db immediately print("Updating db instance: {}".format(modify_args)) rds.modify_db_instance(restore_dbid, **modify_args) print("Waiting 15 seconds before checking to see if db is available") time.sleep(15) wait_on_db_status(restore_dbid) print("Waiting another 15 seconds") time.sleep(15) if args.clean_wwc: # Run the mysql clean sql file sanitize_cmd = """mysql -u root -p{root_pass} -h{db_host} wwc < {sanitize_wwc_sql_file} """.format( root_pass=args.password, db_host=db_host, sanitize_wwc_sql_file=sanitize_wwc_sql_file) print("Running {}".format(sanitize_cmd)) os.system(sanitize_cmd) if args.clean_prod_grader: # Run the mysql clean sql file sanitize_cmd = """mysql -u root -p{root_pass} -h{db_host} prod_grader < {sanitize_prod_grader_sql_file} """.format( root_pass=args.password, db_host=db_host, sanitize_prod_grader_sql_file=sanitize_prod_grader_sql_file) print("Running {}".format(sanitize_cmd)) os.system(sanitize_cmd) if args.secret_var_files: extra_args = "" for secret_var_file in args.secret_var_files: extra_args += " -e@{}".format(secret_var_file) db_cmd = """cd {play_path} && ansible-playbook -c local -i, create_dbs.yml """ \ """{extra_args} -e "edxapp_db_root_user=root xqueue_db_root_user=root" """ \ """ -e "db_root_pass={root_pass}" """ \ """ -e "EDXAPP_MYSQL_HOST={db_host}" """ \ """ -e "XQUEUE_MYSQL_HOST={db_host}" """.format( root_pass=args.password, extra_args=extra_args, db_host=db_host, play_path=play_path) print("Running {}".format(db_cmd)) os.system(db_cmd) if args.dns: dns_cmd = """cd {play_path} && ansible-playbook -c local -i, create_cname.yml """ \ """-e "dns_zone=edx.org dns_name={dns} sandbox={db_host}" """.format( play_path=play_path, dns=args.dns, db_host=db_host) print("Running {}".format(dns_cmd)) os.system(dns_cmd)