Commit ffd841c5 by Ben Patterson

TE-414: packer jenkins_worker: use ansible 1.7.1 for testing build server.

The test_build_server role was failing on acceptance tests because of unicode
static assets being gathered in collectstatic for django. This was because of
this issue, which has been
resolved in recent ansible versions. We must override the version that is
being used by this repo, and upgrade ansible at provisioning time for
running the test_build_server role.
parent cb09e639
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ paver test_js_run -s xmodule
paver test_bokchoy -t
# Run some of the lettuce acceptance tests
# paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature"
# paver test_acceptance -s cms --extra_args="cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature"
paver test_acceptance -s lms --extra_args="lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature -s 1"
paver test_acceptance -s cms --extra_args="cms/djangoapps/contentstore/features/html-editor.feature -s 1"
# Generate quality reports
paver run_quality
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"type": "shell",
"inline": ["cd {{user `playbook_remote_dir`}}",
". packer-venv/bin/activate",
"pip install -q -U ansible==1.7.1",
"ansible-playbook run_role.yml -i inventory.ini -c local -e role=test_build_server -vvvv"]
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