- Refactored name from `analytics-api` to `analytics_api`. This will require additional migrations when upgrading an existing server. While we recommend building from scratch, running the following command might work:
- Expanded `edx_service` role to do git checkout and ec2 tagging
- Refactored roles that depend on `edx_service` to use the new interface: `minos`, `analytics_api`, `insights`, and `xqwatcher`
- Refactored name from `analytics-api` to `analytics_api`
- Changed location of minos' config file from `/edx/etc/minos/minos.yml` to `/edx/etc/minos.yml`
- Added new `edx_notes_api` role for forthcoming notes api
- This is a __BACKWARDS INCOMPATABLE__ change and will require additional migrations when upgrading an existing server. While we recommend building from scratch, running the following command _might_ work: