Commit dc7c194c by Clinton Blackburn

Merge pull request #1638 from edx/typo-fix

Fixed typo in nodeenvs
parents a77ec312 dec94198
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ insights_python_path: "{{ insights_code_dir }}/analytics_dashboard"
insights_conf_dir: "{{ insights_home }}"
insights_log_dir: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/{{ insights_service_name }}"
insights_nodeenv_dir: "{{ insights_home }}/nodeenevs/{{ insights_service_name }}"
insights_nodeenv_dir: "{{ insights_home }}/nodeenvs/{{ insights_service_name }}"
insights_nodeenv_bin: "{{ insights_nodeenv_dir }}/bin"
insights_node_modules_dir: "{{ insights_code_dir }}/node_modules"
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