Commit cf244070 by Sef Kloninger

readme: manual post-cloudformation commands

parent 95993075
......@@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ a few manual commands to fill in those gaps.
This requires that you've installed the command line utilities for [ElastiCache][cachecli]
and [EC2][ec2cli]. Note that we requrire at least version 1.8 of the ElastiCache CLI due
to some newer commands that we rely on.
At the end of the CloudFormation run you should check the "Outputs" tab in
Amazon UI and that will have the commands you need to run. This screenshot
shows what that output looks like.
Amazon UI and that will have the commands you need to run (see
![Amazon CloudFormation Output Screenshot](cfn-output-example.png)
![CloudFormation Output (Amazon console)](doc/cfn-output-example.png)
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