Commit b9feb57a by Ben Patterson

Merge pull request #1402 from edx/benp/add-tests-jenkins-worker

Add tests for jenkins_worker role.
parents be69e1a8 0d3874c3
...@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ ...@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@
- include: python.yml - include: python.yml
- include: ruby.yml - include: ruby.yml
- include: jscover.yml - include: jscover.yml
- include: test.yml
# Tests for this role
# Set up #
# To get a baseline comparison for timestamp comparisons
# create a testfile and register its stat info
- name: Create test file
file: path=testfile state=touch
- name: Stat test file
stat: path=testfile
register: testfile
# Tests #
- name: Verify java cmd is using v 1.7
shell: java -version
register: java_version
- assert:
- "'1.7.0' in java_version.stderr"
# The role is run with a github oauth token passed in
# as github_oauth_token var value.
# This test confirms that the key being used will work
- name: ensure github token works
" edx edx-platform
dddac0b5dddf00c0950daf324e603e4935994954 success \"Tests Passed\""
# Run the github_pr_auth script to confirm it reports
# An expected error when there is nothing in the whitelist
- name: ensure github_pr_auth fails as expected
" edx edx-platform 2498"
ignore_errors: True
register: pr_auth_result
- assert:
- "'You can update the whitelist by' in '{{ pr_auth_result.stdout_lines[1] }}'"
# Run the github_pr_auth script with a value in the whitelist
# to ensure a passing run
- name: ensure github_pr_auth fails as expected
"export GITHUB_OWNER_WHITELIST=edx && edx edx-platform 2498"
# Verify the virtualenv tar is newly-built
- name: Get info on virtualenv tar
stat: path={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv_clean.tar.gz
register: edxvenv
- assert:
# Assert that it was modified at least within the hour
- "{{ testfile.stat.mtime }} - {{ edxvenv.stat.mtime }} < 3600"
# Tear Down #
- name: Remove test file
file: path=testfile state=absent
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