Commit b8c44c9d by e0d

recovered code, working.

parent 27de59bf
......@@ -130,6 +130,12 @@
path={{ automated_home }}/.ssh state=directory mode=0700
owner={{ automated_user }} group={{ automated_user }}
- name: touch .ssh/authorized_keys
dest={{ automated_home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=0600
owner={{ automated_user }} group={{ automated_user }}
- name: add authorized_keys
line="{{ item }}" state=present
......@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ dependencies:
- role: automated
automated_rbash_links: "{{ edxapp_automated_rbash_links }}"
automated_sudoers_dest: '99-automator-edxapp'
automated_sudoers_template: 'roles/edxapp/templates/etc/sudoers.d/99-automator-edxapp.j2'
automated_sudoers_template: 'roles/edxapp/templates/etc/sudoers.d/99-automator-edxapp-server.j2'
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ automator ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/
automator ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/ seed_permissions_roles *
automator ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/ set_staff *
automator ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/ transfer_students *
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