Commit a4d8458f by John Jarvis

removing mongo relocation in edxlocal (soon to be deprecated)

parent 621891e3
......@@ -56,20 +56,8 @@
- name: edxlocal | stop mongo service
service: name=mongodb state=stopped
- name: edxlocal | move mongodb to {{ data_dir }}
command: mv /var/lib/mongodb {{ data_dir }}/. creates={{ data_dir }}/mongodb
- name: edxlocal | create mongodb symlink
file: src={{ data_dir }}/mongodb dest=/var/lib/mongodb state=link
- name: edxlocal | start mongo service
service: name=mongodb state=started
- name: edxlocal | wait for mongo server to start
wait_for: port=27017 delay=2
wait_for: port=27017
- name: edxlocal | create a mongodb user for edxapp
mongodb_user: >
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