Commit 7b34b39a by arbabnazar Committed by Edward Zarecor

adding the callback_plugin for track the time of each task

parent f8ce68b7
import datetime
import time
import logging
import datadog
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Originally written by 'Jharrod LaFon'
class CallbackModule(object):
Ansible plugin get the time of each task and total time to run the complete playbook
def __init__(self):
self.stats = {}
self.current_task = None
def playbook_on_task_start(self, name, is_conditional):
Logs the start of each task
if self.current_task is not None:
# Record the running time of the last executed task
self.stats[self.current_task] = time.time() - self.stats[self.current_task]
# Record the start time of the current task
self.current_task = name
self.stats[self.current_task] = time.time()
def playbook_on_stats(self, stats):
Prints the timing of each task and total time to run the complete playbook
# Record the timing of the very last task, we use it here, because we don't have stop task function by default
if self.current_task is not None:
self.stats[self.current_task] = time.time() - self.stats[self.current_task]
# Sort the tasks by their running time
results = sorted(self.stats.items(), key=lambda value: value[1], reverse=True)
# Print the timing of each task
for name, elapsed in results:
# send the metric to datadog
metric="edx.jenkins.{0}".format(name.replace(" | ", ".").replace(" ", "-").lower()),
# log the time
# "{0:-<80}{1:->8}".format(
# '{0} '.format(name),
# ' {0:.02f}s'.format(elapsed),
# )
# )
# Total time to run the complete playbook
total_seconds = sum([x[1] for x in self.stats.items()])"\nPlaybook finished: {0}, {1} total tasks. {2} elapsed. \n".format(
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