Commit 3854108e by Michael Roytman

Address comments from code review

parent 63f04864
......@@ -5,251 +5,334 @@ import yaml
import sys
import networkx as nx
from collections import namedtuple
class FileParser:
def __init__(self):
def _load_repo_path(self):
"""Loads the path for the configuration repository from TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR environment variable."""
if os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR"):
self.repo_path = os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR")
raise EnvironmentError("TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR environment variable is not set.")
def build_graph(self, git_dir, roles_dirs, aws_play_dirs, docker_play_dirs):
Builds a dependency graph that shows relationships between roles and playbooks.
An edge [A, B], where A and B are roles, signifies that A depends on B. An edge
[C, D], where C is a playbook and D is a role, signifies that C uses D.
graph = nx.DiGraph()
self._map_roles_to_roles(graph, roles_dirs, git_dir, "dependencies", "role", "role")
self._map_plays_to_roles(graph, aws_play_dirs, git_dir, "roles", "aws_playbook", "role")
self._map_plays_to_roles(graph, docker_play_dirs, git_dir, "roles", "docker_playbook", "role")
return graph
def _map_roles_to_roles(self, graph, dirs, git_dir, key, type_1, type_2):
"""Maps roles to the roles that they depend on."""
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['name', 'type'])
# for each role directory
for d in dirs:
d = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, d)
if d.is_dir():
# for all files/sub-directories in directory
for directory in d.iterdir():
# attempts to find meta/*.yml file in directory
role = [file for file in directory.glob("meta/*.yml")]
# if role exists
if role:
with (open(str(role[0]), "r")) as file:
yaml_file = yaml.load(file)
# if a yaml file and key in file
if yaml_file is not None and key in yaml_file:
# for each dependent role
for dependent in yaml_file[key]:
import argparse
DOCKER_PATH_ROOT = pathlib2.Path(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, "docker", "build")
CONFIG_FILE_PATH = pathlib2.Path(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, "util", "parsefiles_config.yml")
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def build_graph(git_dir, roles_dirs, aws_play_dirs, docker_play_dirs):
Builds a dependency graph that shows relationships between roles and playbooks.
An edge [A, B], where A and B are roles, signifies that A depends on B. An edge
[C, D], where C is a playbook and D is a role, signifies that C uses D.
git_dir: A path to the top-most directory in the local git repository tool is to be run in.
roles_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible roles reside.
aws_play_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which AWS Ansible playbooks reside.
docker_play_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Docker Ansible playbooks reside.
graph = nx.DiGraph()
_map_roles_to_roles(graph, roles_dirs, git_dir, "dependencies", "role", "role")
_map_plays_to_roles(graph, aws_play_dirs, git_dir, "roles", "aws_playbook", "role")
_map_plays_to_roles(graph, docker_play_dirs, git_dir, "roles", "docker_playbook", "role")
return graph
def _map_roles_to_roles(graph, dirs, git_dir, key, type_1, type_2):
Maps roles to the roles that they depend on.
graph: A networkx digraph that is used to map Ansible dependencies.
dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible roles reside.
git_dir: A path to the top-most directory in the local git repository tool is to be run in.
key: The key in a role yaml file in dirs that maps to relevant role data. In this case, key is
"dependencies", because a role's dependent roles is of interest.
type_1: Given edges A-B, the type of node A.
type_2: Given edges A-B, the type of node B.
Since this function maps roles to their dependent roles, both type_1 and type_2 are "role".
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['name', 'type'])
# for each role directory
for d in dirs:
d = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, d)
# for all files/sub-directories in directory
for item in d.iterdir():
# attempts to find meta/*.yml file in item directory tree
roles = [f for f in item.glob("meta/*.yml")]
# if a meta/*.yml file(s) exists for a role
if roles:
# for each role
for role in roles:
yaml_file = _open_yaml_file(role)
# if not an empty yaml file and key in file
if yaml_file is not None and key in yaml_file:
# for each dependent role; yaml_file["dependencies"] returns list of
# dependent roles
for dependent in yaml_file[key]:
# get role name of each dependent role
name = _get_role_name(dependent)
# add node for type_1, typically role
node_1 = Node(, type_1)
# add node for type_2, typically dependent role
node_2 = Node(name, type_2)
# add edge, typically role - dependent role
graph.add_edge(node_1, node_2)
def _map_plays_to_roles(graph, dirs, git_dir, key, type_1, type_2):
Maps plays to the roles they use.
graph: A networkx digraph that is used to map Ansible dependencies.
dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible playbooks reside.
git_dir: A path to the top-most directory in the local git repository tool is to be run in.
key: The key in a playbook yaml file in dirs that maps to relevant playbook data. In this case, key is
"roles", because the roles used by a playbook is of interest.
type_1: Given edges A-B, the type of node A.
type_2: Given edges A-B, the type of node B.
Since this function maps plays to the roles they use, both type_1 is a type of playbook and type_2 is "role".
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['name', 'type'])
# for each play directory
for d in dirs:
d = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, d)
# for all files/sub-directories in directory
for item in d.iterdir():
# if item is a file ending in .yml
if item.match("*.yml"):
# open .yml file for playbook
yaml_file = _open_yaml_file(item)
# if not an empty yaml file
if yaml_file is not None:
# for each play in yaml file
for play in yaml_file:
# if specified key in yaml file (e.g. "roles")
if key in play:
# for each role
for role in play[key]:
# get role name
name = self._get_role_name(dependent)
name = _get_role_name(role)
#add node for type_1, typically for playbook
node_1 = Node(item.stem, type_1)
# add node for role
node_1 = Node(, type_1)
# add node for dependent role
# add node for type_2, typically for role
node_2 = Node(name, type_2)
# add edge role - dependent role
graph.add_edge(node_1, node_2)
def _map_plays_to_roles(self, graph, dirs, git_dir, key, type_1, type_2):
"""Maps plays to the roles they use."""
# add edge, typically playbook - role it uses
graph.add_edge(node_1, node_2)
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['name', 'type'])
def _open_yaml_file(file_str):
Opens yaml file.
file_str: The path to yaml file to be opened.
with ('r')) as file:
yaml_file = yaml.load(file)
return yaml_file
except yaml.YAMLError, exc:
LOGGER.warning("error in configuration file: %s" % str(exc))
# for each play directory
for d in dirs:
d = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, d)
def change_set_to_roles(files, git_dir, roles_dirs, playbooks_dirs, graph):
Converts change set consisting of a number of files to the roles that they represent/contain.
if d.is_dir():
# for all files/sub-directories in directory
for directory in d.iterdir():
# if a yaml file
if directory.is_file() and directory.suffix == ".yml":
with (open(str(directory), "r")) as file:
yaml_file = yaml.load(file)
files: A list of files modified by a commit range.
git_dir: A path to the top-most directory in the local git repository tool is to be run in.
roles_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible roles reside.
playbook_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible playbooks reside.
graph: A networkx digraph that is used to map Ansible dependencies.
if yaml_file is not None:
# for each play in yaml file
for play in yaml_file:
# if specified key in yaml file (e.g. "roles")
if key in play:
# for each role
for role in play[key]:
# get role name
name = self._get_role_name(role)
# set of roles
items = set()
# add node for playbook
node_1 = Node(directory.stem, type_1)
# add node for role
node_2 = Node(name, type_2)
# add edge playbook - role
graph.add_edge(node_1, node_2)
# for all directories containing roles
for role_dir in roles_dirs:
role_dir_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, role_dir)
def change_set_to_roles(self, files, git_dir, roles_dirs, playbooks_dirs, graph):
"""Converts change set consisting of a number of files to the roles that they represent."""
# get all files in the directories containing roles (i.e. all the roles in that directory)
candidate_files = (f for f in role_dir_path.glob("**/*"))
# set of roles
items = set()
# for all the files in the change set
for f in files:
file_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, f)
# for all directories containing roles
for role_dir in roles_dirs:
role_dir_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, role_dir)
# if the change set file is in the set of role files
if file_path in candidate_files:
# get name of role and add it to set of roles of the change set
items.add(_get_resource_name(file_path, "roles"))
# all files in role directory
candidate_files = [file for file in role_dir_path.glob("**/*")]
# for all directories containing playbooks
for play_dir in playbooks_dirs:
play_dir_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, play_dir)
for file in files:
file_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, file)
# get all files in directory containing playbook that end with yml extension
# (i.e. all playbooks in that directory)
candidate_files = (f for f in play_dir_path.glob("*.yml"))
if file_path in candidate_files:
name = self.get_resource_name(file_path, "roles")
# for all filse in the change set
for f in files:
file_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, f)
# for all directories containing playbooks
for play_dir in playbooks_dirs:
play_dir_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, play_dir)
# if the change set file is in teh set of playbook files
if file_path in candidate_files:
# all files in role directory that end with yml extension
candidate_files = [file for file in play_dir_path.glob("*.yml")]
# gets first level of children of playbook in graph, which represents
# all roles the playbook uses
descendants = nx.all_neighbors(graph, (file_path.stem, "aws_playbook"))
for file in files:
file_path = pathlib2.Path(git_dir, file)
# adds all the roles that a playbook uses to set of roles of the change set
items |= { for desc in descendants}
return items
if file_path in candidate_files:
name = self.get_resource_name(file_path,
def _get_resource_name(path, kind):
Gets name of resource from the filepath, which is the directory following occurence of kind.
# gets first level of children of playbook in graph, which represents
# roles the playbook uses
descendants = nx.all_neighbors(graph, (file_path.stem, "aws_playbook"))
path: A path to the resource (e.g. a role or a playbook)
kind: A description of the type of resource; this keyword precedes the name of a role or a playbook
in a file path and allows for the separation of its name;
e.g. for "configuration/playbooks/roles/discovery/...", kind = "roles" returns
"discovery" as the role name
# get individual parts of a file path
dirs =
items |= { for desc in descendants}
return items
# type of resource is the next part of the file path after kind (e.g. after "roles" or "playbooks")
return dirs[dirs.index(kind)+1]
def get_resource_name(self, path, kind):
"""Gets name of resource from the filepath, which is the directory following occurence of kind."""
def get_dependencies(roles, graph):
Determines all roles dependent on set of roles and returns set containing both.
dirs =
index = dirs.index(kind)
name = dirs[index+1]
return name
roles: A set of roles.
graph: A networkx digraph that is used to map Ansible dependencies.
def get_dependencies(self, roles, graph):
"""Determines all roles dependent on set of roles and returns set containing both."""
items = set()
items = set()
for role in roles:
# add the role itself
for role in roles:
# add all the roles that depend on the role
dependents = nx.descendants(graph, (role, "role"))
dependents = nx.descendants(graph, (role, "role"))
items |= { for dependent in dependents}
names = { for dep in dependents}
return items
items |= names
def get_docker_plays(roles, graph):
"""Gets all docker plays that contain at least role in common with roles."""
return items
# dict to determine coverage of plays
coverage = dict.fromkeys(roles, False)
def get_docker_plays(self, roles, graph):
"""Gets all docker plays that contain at least role in common with roles."""
items = set()
# dict to determine coverage of plays
coverage = dict.fromkeys(roles, False)
docker_plays = ( for node in graph.nodes() if node.type == "docker_playbook")
items = set()
for play in docker_plays:
# all roles that are used by play
roles_nodes = nx.all_neighbors(graph, (play, "docker_playbook"))
docker_plays = [ for node in graph.nodes() if node.type == "docker_playbook"]
docker_roles = { for role in roles_nodes}
for play in docker_plays:
# all roles that are used by play
roles_nodes = nx.all_neighbors(graph, (play, "docker_playbook"))
# compares roles and docker roles
common_roles = roles & docker_roles
docker_roles = { for role in roles_nodes}
# if their intersection is non-empty, add the docker role
if common_roles:
# compares roles and docker roles
common_roles = roles & docker_roles
# each aws role that was in common is marked as being covered by a docker play
for role in common_roles:
coverage[role] = True
# if their intersection is non-empty, add the docker role
if common_roles:
# check coverage of roles
for role in coverage:
if not coverage[role]:
LOGGER.warning("role '%s' is not covered." % role)
# each aws role that was in common is marked as being covered by a docker play
for role in common_roles:
coverage[role] = True
return items
def filter_docker_plays(plays, repo_path):
"""Filters out docker plays that do not have a Dockerfile."""
return items
items = set()
def filter_docker_plays(self, plays, repo_path):
"""Filters out docker plays that do not have a Dockerfile."""
for play in plays:
dockerfile = pathlib2.Path(DOCKER_PATH_ROOT, play, "Dockerfile")
items = set()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if dockerfile.exists():
LOGGER.warning("covered playbook '%s' does not have Dockerfile." % play)
for play in plays:
dockerfile = pathlib2.Path(self.repo_path, "docker", "build", play, "Dockerfile")
return items
if dockerfile.exists():
logger.warning(" covered playbook '%s' does not have Dockerfile." % play)
def _get_role_name(role):
Resolves a role name from either a simple declaration or a dictionary style declaration.
return items
A simple declaration would look like:
- foo
def check_coverage(self, coverage):
"""Checks which aws roles are not covered by docker plays."""
A dictionary style declaration would look like:
- role: rbenv
rbenv_user: "{{ forum_user }}"
rbenv_dir: "{{ forum_app_dir }}"
rbenv_ruby_version: "{{ forum_ruby_version }}"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
:param role:
if isinstance(role, dict):
return role['role']
elif isinstance(role, basestring):
return role
LOGGER.warning("role %s could not be resolved to a role name." % role)
return None
for role in coverage:
if not coverage[role]:
logger.warning(" role '%s' is not covered." % role)
def arg_parse():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Given a commit range, analyze Ansible dependencies between roles and playbooks '
'and output a list of Docker plays affected by this commit range via these dependencies.')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', help="set warnings to be displayed", action="store_true")
def _get_role_name(self, role):
Resolves a role name from either a simple declaration or a dictionary style declaration.
return parser.parse_args()
A simple declaration would look like:
- foo
if __name__ == '__main__':
A dictionary style declaration would look like:
- role: rbenv
rbenv_user: "{{ forum_user }}"
rbenv_dir: "{{ forum_app_dir }}"
rbenv_ruby_version: "{{ forum_ruby_version }}"
args = arg_parse()
:param role:
if isinstance(role, dict):
return role['role']
elif isinstance(role, basestring):
return role
return None
# configure logging
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = FileParser()
if not args.verbose:
# set of modified files in the commit range
change_set = set()
# read from standard in
......@@ -257,24 +340,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# read config file
config_file_path = pathlib2.Path(parser.repo_path, "util", "parsefiles_config.yml")
with as config_file:
config = yaml.load(config_file)
config = _open_yaml_file(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
# build grpah
graph = parser.build_graph(parser.repo_path, config["roles_paths"], config["aws_plays_paths"], config["docker_plays_paths"])
# build graph
graph = build_graph(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, config["roles_paths"], config["aws_plays_paths"], config["docker_plays_paths"])
# transforms list of roles and plays into list of original roles and the roles contained in the plays
roles = parser.change_set_to_roles(change_set, parser.repo_path, config["roles_paths"], config["aws_plays_paths"], graph)
roles = change_set_to_roles(change_set, TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, config["roles_paths"], config["aws_plays_paths"], graph)
# expands roles set to include roles that are dependent on existing roles
dependent_roles = parser.get_dependencies(roles, graph)
dependent_roles = get_dependencies(roles, graph)
# determine which docker plays cover at least one role
docker_plays = parser.get_docker_plays(dependent_roles, graph)
docker_plays = get_docker_plays(dependent_roles, graph)
# filter out docker plays without a Dockerfile
docker_plays = parser.filter_docker_plays(docker_plays, parser.repo_path)
docker_plays = filter_docker_plays(docker_plays, TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR)
# prints Docker plays
print " ".join(str(play) for play in docker_plays)
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