Commit 30d2d34a by Feanil Patel

Add more specific instructions for AWS.

parent 3be317f7
...@@ -51,8 +51,31 @@ configuration parameters, it will give you continuous feedback during ...@@ -51,8 +51,31 @@ configuration parameters, it will give you continuous feedback during
the process of building the stack and useful error messages when the process of building the stack and useful error messages when
problems occur. problems occur.
Before you create the stack you will need to create a key-pair that can
be used to connect to the stack once it's instantiated. To do this
go to the 'EC2' section and create a new key-pair under the 'Key Pairs'
section. Note the name of this key and update
`cloudformation_templates/edx-reference-architecture.json` file. Under the
'KeyName' section change the value of 'Default' to the name of the key-pair
you just created.
Details on how to build the stack using Ansible are available below. Details on how to build the stack using Ansible are available below.
#### Building with the AWS Console
From the AWS main page that lists all the services you can use. Click on the
CloudFormation link. This will take you to a list of cloud stacks you currently
have active. Here click the 'Create Stack' button. In the wizard you can give a
name for your stack and pass in a template which defines the edX stack. Use the
`edx-reference-architecture.json` template in the `cloudformation_templates` directory.
#### Building with the CloudFormation CLI
To build from the CloudFormation CLI you will have to first upload the configuration
file to an S3 Bucket. The easiest way to do this is to use `s3cmd`.
s3cmd put /path/to/edx-reference-architecture.json s3://<bucket_name>
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack_name> --template-url<bucket_name>/edx-reference-architecture.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
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