Commit 1eaa44cb by arbabnazar

added ssl redirect to notes and analytics

parent 59d54fdb
...@@ -7,6 +7,32 @@ upstream analytics_api_app_server { ...@@ -7,6 +7,32 @@ upstream analytics_api_app_server {
server { server {
listen {{ ANALYTICS_API_NGINX_PORT }} default_server; listen {{ ANALYTICS_API_NGINX_PORT }} default_server;
# Nginx does not support nested condition or or conditions so
# there is an unfortunate mix of conditonals here.
# Redirect http to https over single instance
if ($scheme != "https")
set $do_redirect_to_https "true";
{% endif %}
{% if NGINX_HTTPS_REDIRECT_STRATEGY == "forward_for_proto" %}
# Forward to HTTPS if we're an HTTP request... and the server is behind ELB
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http")
set $do_redirect_to_https "true";
{% endif %}
# Execute the actual redirect
if ($do_redirect_to_https = "true")
rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
{% endif %}
location ~ ^/static/(?P<file>.*) { location ~ ^/static/(?P<file>.*) {
root {{ COMMON_DATA_DIR }}/{{ analytics_api_service_name }}; root {{ COMMON_DATA_DIR }}/{{ analytics_api_service_name }};
try_files /staticfiles/$file =404; try_files /staticfiles/$file =404;
...@@ -7,6 +7,32 @@ upstream {{ edx_notes_api_service_name }}_app_server { ...@@ -7,6 +7,32 @@ upstream {{ edx_notes_api_service_name }}_app_server {
server { server {
listen {{ edx_notes_api_nginx_port }} default_server; listen {{ edx_notes_api_nginx_port }} default_server;
# Nginx does not support nested condition or or conditions so
# there is an unfortunate mix of conditonals here.
# Redirect http to https over single instance
if ($scheme != "https")
set $do_redirect_to_https "true";
{% endif %}
{% if NGINX_HTTPS_REDIRECT_STRATEGY == "forward_for_proto" %}
# Forward to HTTPS if we're an HTTP request... and the server is behind ELB
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http")
set $do_redirect_to_https "true";
{% endif %}
# Execute the actual redirect
if ($do_redirect_to_https = "true")
rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
{% endif %}
location / { location / {
try_files $uri @proxy_to_app; try_files $uri @proxy_to_app;
} }
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