Commit 1b2a6ed8 by John Jarvis

setting group perms on the virtualenv to www-data, version of

parent bd2cc5e0
......@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@
- install
- deploy
- name: changing group ownership to www-data for everything in the venv (workaround)
shell: chgrp -R www-data {{ venv_dir }}
# This check needs to be run to see if rake can be used but its failure should not stop the run.
- name: check if rake gather_assets is available
shell: executable=/bin/bash chdir={{ edx_platform_code_dir }} rake -T | grep gather_assets
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ edxapp_theme_version: 'HEAD'
# make this the public URL instead of writable
lms_version: 'HEAD'
lms_version: 'release'
local_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/local.txt"
pre_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/pre.txt"
post_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/post.txt"
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