Commit 0962463b by Jason Bau

set permissions and enable checkout from commit hashes, etc.

parent f20d014b
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- cms
- name: git checkout edx-platform repo into $app_base_dir
git: dest={{platform_code_dir}} repo={{lms_source_repo}}
git: dest={{platform_code_dir}} repo={{lms_source_repo}} version={{lms_version}}
GIT_SSH: /tmp/
......@@ -83,6 +83,14 @@
- cms
- install
- name: sets permissions on platform code dir
file: path={{platform_code_dir}} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data mode=755
- lms
- cms
- install
## Install the debian package requirements system-wide
- name: store remote apt_repos list for ansible use
command: cat {{ apt_sources_file }}
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
lms_auth_config: {}
lms_env_config: {}
lms_version: 'HEAD'
apt_sources_file: "{{ platform_code_dir }}/requirements/system/{{os_name}}/apt-repos.txt"
apt_packages_file: "{{ platform_code_dir }}/requirements/system/{{os_name}}/apt-packages.txt"
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