Commit 01503e09 by Will Daly

Install Python packages to the system

parent 0f60191f
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Use easy_install to download packages from
# an S3 bucket and install them in the system.
# Usage:
# S3_URL
# where `S3_URL` is the URL of an S3 bucket
# containing .egg files
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 S3_URL"
exit 1
# Retrieve the list of files in the bucket
echo "Downloading Python packages from S3..."
curl $S3_URL | xml_grep 'Key' --text_only > /tmp/python_pkgs.txt
# Install each package into the virtualenv
# If an error occurs, print stderr but do not abort
echo "Installing Python packages..."
while read package; do
easy_install $S3_URL/$package || true
done < /tmp/python_pkgs.txt
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
- unzip
- xml-twig-tools
# Configure Mongo to use /mnt so we don't
# run out of disk space
- name: jenkins | Stop mongo service
service: name=mongodb state=stopped
......@@ -66,3 +68,17 @@
- name: jenkins | Start the mongo service
service: name=mongodb state=stopped
# Install scripts to load Python packages from S3 on startup
- name: jenkins | Install Python packages script
copy: src="" dest="/usr/local/bin/"
- name: jenkins | Make Python packages script executable
file: path="/usr/local/bin/"
owner=root group=root
- name: jenkins | Install Python packages upstart script
template: src="python_pkgs.conf.j2" dest="/etc/init/python_pkgs.conf"
# Pre-install Python packages from S3
start on runlevel [2345]
exec {{ PYTHON_PKG_URL }}
......@@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ jscover_url: "
# Mongo config
MONGO_DIR: "/mnt/mongodb"
MONGO_LOG_DIR: "/mnt/logs/mongodb"
# URL of S3 bucket containing pre-compiled Python packages
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