Commit 00e22f8a by Ned Batchelder

Check for and uninstall pip packages

parent 95422ece
......@@ -21,6 +21,17 @@ exit_cleanly () {
exit $@
# check_pip succeeds if its first argument is found in the output of pip freeze.
PIP_EDXAPP="sudo -u edxapp -H $OPENEDX_ROOT/bin/pip.edxapp --disable-pip-version-check"
check_pip () {
how_many=$($PIP_EDXAPP list 2>&- | grep -c $1)
if (( $how_many > 0 )); then
return 0
return 1
show_help () {
cat << EOM
......@@ -225,7 +236,7 @@ EOF
# Need to get rid of South from edx-platform, or things won't work.
sudo -u edxapp ${OPENEDX_ROOT}/bin/pip.edxapp uninstall -y South
$PIP_EDXAPP uninstall -y South
echo "Upgrading to the beginning of Django 1.8"
cd configuration/playbooks/vagrant
......@@ -258,8 +269,21 @@ fi
# Eucalyptus details
if [[ $TARGET == *eucalyptus* ]] ; then
if check_pip edx-oauth2-provider ; then
echo "Uninstall edx-oauth2-provider"
sudo -u edxapp ${OPENEDX_ROOT}/bin/pip.edxapp uninstall --disable-pip-version-check -y django-oauth2-provider edx-oauth2-provider
$PIP_EDXAPP uninstall -y django-oauth2-provider edx-oauth2-provider
# edx-milestones changed how it was installed, so it is possible to have it
# installed twice. Try to uninstall it twice.
if check_pip edx-milestones ; then
echo "Uninstall edx-milestones"
$PIP_EDXAPP uninstall -y edx-milestones
if check_pip edx-milestones ; then
echo "Uninstall edx-milestones again"
$PIP_EDXAPP uninstall -y edx-milestones
if [[ $CONFIGURATION == devstack ]] ; then
echo "Remove old Firefox"
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