Commit fe95745a by Rob Szewczyk

Correcting the security group id lookup from the list of security group names

parent 74e7eba5
......@@ -392,9 +392,7 @@ def create_instances(module, ec2):
if group_name:
grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups()
if type(group_name) == list:
# FIXME: this should be a nice list comprehension
# also not py 2.4 compliant
group_id = list(filter(lambda grp: str( if str(tmp) in str(grp) else None, grp_details) for tmp in group_name)
group_id = [ str( for grp in grp_details if str( in group_name ]
elif type(group_name) == str:
for grp in grp_details:
if str(group_name) in str(grp):
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