Commit fbc525cf by Toshio Kuratomi

Use to_bytes instead of .encode(). Fixes the fact that errors is a positional…

Use to_bytes instead of .encode().  Fixes the fact that errors is a positional argument, not a kw arg in .encode()
parent 618722dd
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import constants
import locale
from ansible.color import stringc
from ansible.module_utils import basic
from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode
from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode, to_bytes
import logging
if constants.DEFAULT_LOG_PATH != '':
......@@ -634,9 +634,9 @@ class PlaybookCallbacks(object):
name = utils.unicode.to_unicode(name)
msg = u'Perform task: %s (y/n/c): ' % name
if sys.stdout.encoding:
msg = msg.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors='replace')
msg = to_bytes(msg, sys.stdout.encoding)
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
msg = to_bytes(msg)
resp = raw_input(msg)
if resp.lower() in ['y','yes']:
self.skip_task = False
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