Commit f9183fcb by James Cammarata

Merge branch 'sergevanginderachter-issue_8704_stacktrace_varmerge' into devel

parents 8a1fbed5 b81e77cf
......@@ -84,10 +84,14 @@ class InventoryScript(object):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
data = {'hosts': data}
# is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts','vars')):
data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}
if 'hosts' in data:
if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for the host list:\n %s" % (group_name, data))
for hostname in data['hosts']:
if not hostname in all_hosts:
......@@ -96,6 +100,10 @@ class InventoryScript(object):
if 'vars' in data:
if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for variables:\n %s" % (group_name, data))
for k, v in data['vars'].iteritems():
if ==
all.set_variable(k, v)
......@@ -696,12 +696,23 @@ def parse_kv(args):
options[k.strip()] = unquote(v.strip())
return options
def _validate_both_dicts(a, b):
if not (isinstance(a, dict) and isinstance(b, dict)):
raise errors.AnsibleError(
"failed to combine variables, expected dicts but got a '%s' and a '%s'" % (type(a).__name__, type(b).__name__)
def merge_hash(a, b):
''' recursively merges hash b into a
keys from b take precedence over keys from a '''
result = {}
# we check here as well as in combine_vars() since this
# function can work recursively with nested dicts
_validate_both_dicts(a, b)
for dicts in a, b:
# next, iterate over b keys and values
for k, v in dicts.iteritems():
......@@ -1308,6 +1319,8 @@ def listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, basedir, inject):
def combine_vars(a, b):
_validate_both_dicts(a, b)
return merge_hash(a, b)
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