Commit f1b7149f by Stephen Fromm

Update how to set default selinux context for file

This removes the 'context' option and replaces it with checks for
'_default' value for seuser, serole, setype, or (maybe) selevel.
If '_default' is provided *and* there is a default context for the given
file, this will set the file context to the available default.
parent df61a653
......@@ -170,17 +170,14 @@ seuser = params.get('seuser', None)
serole = params.get('serole', None)
setype = params.get('setype', None)
selevel = params.get('serange', 's0')
context = params.get('context', None)
secontext = [seuser, serole, setype]
if selinux_mls_enabled():
if context is not None:
if context != 'default':
fail_json(msg='invalid context: %s' % context)
if seuser is not None or serole is not None or setype is not None:
fail_json(msg='cannot define context=default and seuser, serole or setype')
secontext = selinux_default_context(path)
default_secontext = selinux_default_context(path)
for i in range(len(default_secontext)):
if i is not None and secontext[i] == '_default':
secontext[i] = default_secontext[i]
if state not in [ 'file', 'directory', 'link', 'absent']:
fail_json(msg='invalid state: %s' % state)
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