Commit e2317082 by Michael DeHaan

Merge branch 'devel' of git:// into schmic-devel

parents 0e8627b7 1205bbe1
......@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ def main(args):
help="dump out a list of hosts, each play will run against, does not run playbook!")
parser.add_option('--syntax-check', dest='syntax', action='store_true',
help="do a playbook syntax check on the playbook, do not execute the playbook")
parser.add_option('--list-tasks', dest='listtasks', action='store_true',
help="do list all tasks that would be executed")
options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
......@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ def main(args):
sshpass = None
sudopass = None
if not options.listhosts and not options.syntax:
if not options.listhosts and not options.syntax and not options.listtasks:
options.ask_pass = options.ask_pass or C.DEFAULT_ASK_PASS
if options.ask_pass:
sshpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSH password: ")
......@@ -133,17 +135,31 @@ def main(args):
if options.listhosts:
if options.listhosts or options.listtasks:
print 'playbook: %s' % playbook
playnum = 0
for (play_ds, play_basedir) in zip(pb.playbook, pb.play_basedirs):
playnum += 1
play = ansible.playbook.Play(pb, play_ds, play_basedir)
label =
if options.listhosts:
hosts = pb.inventory.list_hosts(play.hosts)
print ' hosts in play %s (%s): #%d' % (playnum, label, len(hosts))
for host in hosts:
print ' %s' % host
if options.listtasks:
matched_tags, unmatched_tags = play.compare_tags(pb.only_tags)
unknown_tags = set(pb.only_tags) - (matched_tags | unmatched_tags)
if unknown_tags:
msg = 'tag(s) not found in playbook: %s. possible values: %s'
unknown = ','.join(sorted(unknown_tags))
unmatched = ','.join(sorted(unmatched_tags))
raise errors.AnsibleError(msg % (unknown, unmatched))
print ' tasks in play %s (%s): #%d' % (playnum, label, len(play.tasks()))
for task in play.tasks():
if set(task.tags).intersection(pb.only_tags):
print ' %s' %
if options.syntax:
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