Commit e1167d69 by Michael DeHaan

tweak indentation for 'make pep8'

parent 588b20c0
......@@ -98,10 +98,15 @@ def main():
password = module.params.get('password')
supervisorctl_args = [ module.get_bin_path('supervisorctl', True) ]
if config: supervisorctl_args.extend(['-c', config])
if server_url: supervisorctl_args.extend(['-s', server_url])
if username: supervisorctl_args.extend(['-u', username])
if password: supervisorctl_args.extend(['-p', password])
if config:
supervisorctl_args.extend(['-c', config])
if server_url:
supervisorctl_args.extend(['-s', server_url])
if username:
supervisorctl_args.extend(['-u', username])
if password:
supervisorctl_args.extend(['-p', password])
def run_supervisorctl(cmd, name=None, **kwargs):
args = list(supervisorctl_args) # copy the master args
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