Commit dcad80a6 by Michael DeHaan

Update some things in coding guidelines.

parent 0e201c15
......@@ -180,10 +180,13 @@ Exceptions
In the main body of the code, use typed exceptions where possible:
raise errors.AnsibleError("panic!")
raise Exception("panic!")
Similarly, exception checking should be fine grained:
......@@ -205,7 +208,41 @@ List Comprehensions
In general list comprehensions are always preferred to map() and filter() calls.
However, they can be abused. Optimize for readability, and avoid nesting them
However, they can be abused. Optimize for readability, and avoid nesting them too deeply.
There is a time and place for them, but here's an illustrative joke.
"A developer had a problem, and used a regular expression to solve it. Now the developer had two problems".
Often regexes are difficult to maintain, and a trusty call to "find" can be a great solution!
This expression:
if x.find('foo') != -1:
# blarg
Should be written:
if 'foo' in x:
# blarg
String checks
To test if something is a string, consider that it may be unicode.
# no
if type(x) == str:
# yes
if isintance(x, basestr):
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