Commit dc6a1f42 by Toshio Kuratomi

Ugh, looks like very few distros have the proper packages to run the docker module.

break up the tests so that we can maybe  run this on at least one
parent af908176
- name: Install docker packages (yum)
state: present
name: docker,docker-registry,python-docker-py,nmap-ncat
- name: Install docker packages (yum)
state: present
name: docker,docker-registry,python-docker-py
when: ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora']
- include: docker-setup-rht.yml
when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora']
# Packages on RHEL and CentOS are broken, broken, broken. Revisit when
# they've got that sorted out
#when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora', 'RedHat', 'CentOS']
- name: Install docker packages (apt)
state: present
# Note: add docker-registry when available
when: ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian']
# python-docker isn't available until 14.10. Revist at the next Ubuntu LTS
#- include: docker-setup-debian.yml
# when: ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu']
- name: Start docker daemon
name: docker
state: started
- include: docker-tests.yml
# Add other distributions as the proper packages become available
when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora']
- name: Download busybox image
image: busybox
state: present
pull: missing
- name: Run a small script in busybox
image: busybox
state: reloaded
pull: always
command: "nc -l -p 2000 -e xargs -n1 echo hello"
detach: True
- name: Get the docker container id
shell: "docker ps | grep busybox | awk '{ print $1 }'"
register: container_id
- debug: var=container_id
- name: Get the docker container ip
shell: "docker inspect {{ container_id.stdout_lines[0] }} | grep IPAddress | awk -F '\"' '{ print $4 }'"
register: container_ip
- debug: var=container_ip
- name: Try to access the server
shell: "echo 'world' | nc {{ container_ip.stdout_lines[0] }} 2000"
register: docker_output
- debug: var=docker_output
- name: check that the script ran
- "'hello world' in docker_output.stdout_lines"
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