Commit d25622f1 by Bruce Pennypacker

changed 'action' to 'command'. Fixed a tab issue.

parent 14eda0d1
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ short_description: create or delete an Amazon rds instance
- Creates or deletes rds instances. When creating an instance it can be either a new instance or a read-only replica of an existing instance. This module has a dependency on python-boto >= 2.5.
- Specifies the action to take. Must be one of: create | replicate | delete | facts | modify
required: true
......@@ -35,37 +35,37 @@ options:
aliases: []
- Name of the database to replicate. Used only when action=replicate.
- Name of the database to replicate. Used only when command=replicate.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- The type of database. Used only when action=create. Must be one of: MySQL | oracle-se1 | oracle-se | oracle-ee | sqlserver-ee | sqlserver-se | sqlserver-ex | sqlserver-web
- The type of database. Used only when command=create. Must be one of: MySQL | oracle-se1 | oracle-se | oracle-ee | sqlserver-ee | sqlserver-se | sqlserver-ex | sqlserver-web
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Size in gigabytes of the initial storage for the DB instance. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Size in gigabytes of the initial storage for the DB instance. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- The instance type of the database. Must be specified when action=create. Optional when action=replicate or action=modify. If not specified then the replica inherits the same instance type as the source instance. Must be one of: db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large | db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge
- The instance type of the database. Must be specified when command=create. Optional when command=replicate or command=modify. If not specified then the replica inherits the same instance type as the source instance. Must be one of: db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large | db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Master database username. Used only when action=create.
- Master database username. Used only when command=create.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Password for the master database username. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Password for the master database username. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
......@@ -77,98 +77,98 @@ options:
aliases: []
- Name of a database to create within the instance. If not specified then no database is created. Used only when action=create.
- Name of a database to create within the instance. If not specified then no database is created. Used only when command=create.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Version number of the database engine to use. Used only when action=create. If not specified then the current Amazon RDS default engine version is used.
- Version number of the database engine to use. Used only when command=create. If not specified then the current Amazon RDS default engine version is used.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Name of the DB parameter group to associate with this instance. If omitted then the RDS default DBParameterGroup will be used. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Name of the DB parameter group to associate with this instance. If omitted then the RDS default DBParameterGroup will be used. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- The license model for this DB instance. Used only when action=create. Must be one of: license-included | bring-your-own-license | general-public-license
- The license model for this DB instance. Used only when command=create. Must be one of: license-included | bring-your-own-license | general-public-license
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Specifies if this is a Multi-availability-zone deployment. Can not be used in conjunction with zone parameter. Used only when action=create or action=modify. Valid values: true | false
- Specifies if this is a Multi-availability-zone deployment. Can not be used in conjunction with zone parameter. Used only when command=create or command=modify. Valid values: true | false
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Specifies the number of IOPS for the instance. Used only when action=create or action=modify. Must be an integer greater than 1000.
- Specifies the number of IOPS for the instance. Used only when command=create or command=modify. Must be an integer greater than 1000.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Comma separated list of one or more security groups. Used only when action=create or action=modify. If a subnet is specified then this is treated as a list of VPC security groups.
- Comma separated list of one or more security groups. Used only when command=create or command=modify. If a subnet is specified then this is treated as a list of VPC security groups.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Port number that the DB instance uses for connections. Defaults to 3306 for mysql, 1521 for Oracle, 1443 for SQL Server. Used only when action=create or action=replicate.
- Port number that the DB instance uses for connections. Defaults to 3306 for mysql, 1521 for Oracle, 1443 for SQL Server. Used only when command=create or command=replicate.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Indicates that minor version upgrades should be applied automatically. Used only when action=create or action=replicate.
- Indicates that minor version upgrades should be applied automatically. Used only when command=create or command=replicate.
required: false
default: no
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
aliases: []
- The name of the option group to use. If not specified then the default option group is used. Used only when action=create.
- The name of the option group to use. If not specified then the default option group is used. Used only when command=create.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Maintenance window in format of ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi. (Example: Mon:22:00-Mon:23:15) If not specified then a random maintenance window is assigned. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Maintenance window in format of ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi. (Example: Mon:22:00-Mon:23:15) If not specified then a random maintenance window is assigned. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Backup window in format of hh24:mi-hh24:mi. If not specified then a random backup window is assigned. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Backup window in format of hh24:mi-hh24:mi. If not specified then a random backup window is assigned. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Number of days backups are retained. Set to 0 to disable backups. Default is 1 day. Valid range: 0-35. Used only when action=create or action=modify.
- Number of days backups are retained. Set to 0 to disable backups. Default is 1 day. Valid range: 0-35. Used only when command=create or command=modify.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- availability zone in which to launch the instance. Used only when action=create or action=replicate.
- availability zone in which to launch the instance. Used only when command=create or command=replicate.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- VPC subnet group. If specified then a VPC instance is created. Used only when action=create.
- VPC subnet group. If specified then a VPC instance is created. Used only when command=create.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- Name of final snapshot to take when deleting an instance. If no snapshot name is provided then no snapshot is taken. Used only when action=delete.
- Name of final snapshot to take when deleting an instance. If no snapshot name is provided then no snapshot is taken. Used only when command=delete.
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ options:
aliases: []
- When action=create, replicate, or modify then wait for the database to enter the 'available' state. When action=delete wait for the database to be terminated.
- When command=create, replicate, or modify then wait for the database to enter the 'available' state. When command=delete wait for the database to be terminated.
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ options:
aliases: []
- Used only when action=modify. If enabled, the modifications will be applied as soon as possible rather than waiting for the next preferred maintenance window.
- Used only when command=modify. If enabled, the modifications will be applied as soon as possible rather than waiting for the next preferred maintenance window.
default: no
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
aliases: []
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ author: Bruce Pennypacker
# Basic mysql provisioning example
action: rds
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
# Create a read-only replica and wait for it to become available
action: rds
......@@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
# Delete an instance, but create a snapshot before doing so
action: rds
# Get facts about an instance
action: rds
register: new_database_facts
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ except ImportError:
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
action = dict(choices=['create', 'replicate', 'delete', 'facts', 'modify'], required=True),
command = dict(choices=['create', 'replicate', 'delete', 'facts', 'modify'], required=True),
instance_name = dict(required=True),
source_instance = dict(required=False),
db_engine = dict(choices=['MySQL', 'oracle-se1', 'oracle-se', 'oracle-ee', 'sqlserver-ee', 'sqlserver-se', 'sqlserver-ex', 'sqlserver-web'], required=False),
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def main():
multi_zone = dict(choices=BOOLEANS, default=False),
iops = dict(required=False),
security_groups = dict(required=False),
port = dict(required=False),
port = dict(required=False),
upgrade = dict(choices=BOOLEANS, default=False),
option_group = dict(required=False),
maint_window = dict(required=False),
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def main():
action = module.params.get('action')
command = module.params.get('command')
instance_name = module.params.get('instance_name');
source_instance = module.params.get('source_instance');
db_engine = module.params.get('db_engine');
......@@ -357,30 +357,30 @@ def main():
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
module.fail_json(msg = e.error_message)
# Validate parameters for each action
if action == 'create':
# Validate parameters for each command
if command == 'create':
required_vars = [ 'instance_name', 'db_engine', 'size', 'instance_type', 'username', 'password' ]
invalid_vars = [ 'source_instance', 'snapshot', 'apply_immediately' ]
elif action == 'replicate':
elif command == 'replicate':
required_vars = [ 'instance_name', 'source_instance' ]
invalid_vars = [ 'db_engine', 'size', 'username', 'password', 'db_name', 'engine_version', 'parameter_group', 'license_model', 'multi_zone', 'iops', 'security_groups', 'option_group', 'maint_window', 'backup_window', 'backup_retention', 'subnet', 'snapshot', 'apply_immediately' ]
elif action == 'delete':
elif command == 'delete':
required_vars = [ 'instance_name' ]
invalid_vars = [ 'db_engine', 'size', 'instance_type', 'username', 'password', 'db_name', 'engine_version', 'parameter_group', 'license_model', 'multi_zone', 'iops', 'security_groups', 'option_group', 'maint_window', 'backup_window', 'backup_retention', 'port', 'upgrade', 'subnet', 'zone' , 'source_instance', 'apply_immediately' ]
elif action == 'facts':
elif command == 'facts':
required_vars = [ 'instance_name' ]
invalid_vars = [ 'db_engine', 'size', 'instance_type', 'username', 'password', 'db_name', 'engine_version', 'parameter_group', 'license_model', 'multi_zone', 'iops', 'security_groups', 'option_group', 'maint_window', 'backup_window', 'backup_retention', 'port', 'upgrade', 'subnet', 'zone', 'wait', 'source_instance' 'apply_immediately' ]
elif action == 'modify':
elif command == 'modify':
required_vars = [ 'instance_name' ]
invalid_vars = [ 'db_engine', 'username', 'db_name', 'engine_version', 'license_model', 'option_group', 'port', 'upgrade', 'subnet', 'zone', 'source_instance' ]
for v in required_vars:
if not module.params.get(v):
module.fail_json(msg = str("Variable %s required for %s action" % (v, action)))
module.fail_json(msg = str("Variable %s required for %s command" % (v, command)))
for v in invalid_vars:
if module.params.get(v):
module.fail_json(msg = str("Variable %s invalid for %s action" % (v, action)))
module.fail_json(msg = str("Variable %s invalid for %s command" % (v, command)))
# Package up the optional parameters
params = {}
......@@ -434,13 +434,13 @@ def main():
params["security_groups"] = security_groups.split(',')
if action == 'create':
if command == 'create':
db = conn.create_dbinstance(instance_name, size, instance_type, username, password, **params)
elif action == 'replicate':
elif command == 'replicate':
if instance_type:
params["instance_class"] = instance_type
db = conn.create_dbinstance_read_replica(instance_name, source_instance, **params)
elif action == 'delete':
elif command == 'delete':
if snapshot:
params["skip_final_snapshot"] = False
params["final_snapshot_id"] = snapshot
......@@ -448,11 +448,11 @@ def main():
params["skip_final_snapshot"] = True
db = conn.delete_dbinstance(instance_name, **params)
elif action == 'modify':
elif command == 'modify':
params["apply_immediately"] = apply_immediately
db = conn.modify_dbinstance(instance_name, **params)
# Don't do anything for the 'facts' action since we'll just drop down
# Don't do anything for the 'facts' command since we'll just drop down
# to get_all_dbinstances below to collect the facts
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ def main():
# If we're not waiting for a delete to complete then we're all done
# so just return
if action == 'delete' and not wait:
if command == 'delete' and not wait:
instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances(instance_name)
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ def main():
# If we're waiting for an instance to be deleted then
# get_all_dbinstances will eventually throw a
# DBInstanceNotFound error.
if action == 'delete' and e.error_code == 'DBInstanceNotFound':
if command == 'delete' and e.error_code == 'DBInstanceNotFound':
module.fail_json(msg = e.error_message)
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