Commit bb621385 by jctanner

Merge pull request #4837 from stevetjoa/devel

Adding link to up-to-date ansible-examples GitHub repo. 
parents 6a5672c9 9ac012bb
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ more on the big picture and only dive down into the details when needed.
We'll start with understanding includes so roles make more sense, but our ultimate goal should be understanding roles -- roles
are great and you should use them every time you write playbooks.
See the 'ansible-examples' repository on github for lots of examples of all of this
See the `ansible-examples <>`_ repository on GitHub for lots of examples of all of this
put together. You may wish to have this open in a separate tab as you dive in.
Task Include Files And Encouraging Reuse
......@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ The resulting order of execution would be as follows::
Learn about available modules
Learn how to extend Ansible by writing your own modules
`Github examples directory <>`_
Complete playbook files from the github project source
`GitHub Ansible examples <>`_
Complete playbook files from the GitHub project source
`Mailing List <>`_
Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups
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