Commit a18f811b by James Cammarata

Merge branch 'jimi-c-issue_4620' into devel

parents 0f95a905 f23ccebb
......@@ -207,24 +207,19 @@ class Inventory(object):
a tuple of (start, stop) or None
if not "[" in pattern or pattern.startswith('~'):
return (pattern, None)
(first, rest) = pattern.split("[")
rest = rest.replace("]","")
# support selectors like webservers[0]
x = int(rest)
return (first, (x,x))
if "-" in rest:
(left, right) = rest.split("-",1)
return (first, (left, right))
elif ":" in rest:
(left, right) = rest.split(":",1)
return (first, (left, right))
# The regex used to match on the range, which can be [x] or [x-y].
pattern_re = re.compile("^(.*)\[([0-9]+)(?:(?:-)([0-9]+))?\](.*)$")
m = pattern_re.match(pattern)
if m:
(target, first, last, rest) = m.groups()
first = int(first)
if last:
last = int(last)
return (first, (rest, rest))
last = first
return (target, (first, last))
return (pattern, None)
def _apply_ranges(self, pat, hosts):
......@@ -207,6 +207,11 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(sorted(inventory.list_hosts()), sorted(['thor','odin','loki']))
def test_subset_range(self):
inventory = self.simple_inventory()
self.assertEqual(sorted(inventory.list_hosts()), sorted(['zeus','hera','thor']))
def test_subset_filename(self):
inventory = self.simple_inventory()
inventory.subset('@' + os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'restrict_pattern'))
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