Commit 84fe6655 by James Cammarata

Fixing option order in connection info (v2)

parent 2bf95aaa
......@@ -65,14 +65,13 @@ class ConnectionInformation:
self.no_log = False
self.check_mode = False
if play:
#TODO: just pull options setup to above?
# set options before play to allow play to override them
if options:
if play:
def __repr__(self):
value = "CONNECTION INFO:\n"
......@@ -136,8 +135,6 @@ class ConnectionInformation:
if options.check:
self.check_mode = boolean(options.check)
# get the tag info from options, converting a comma-separated list
# of values into a proper list if need be. We check to see if the
# options have the attribute, as it is not always added via the CLI
- hosts: ubuntu1404
gather_facts: no
remote_user: testing
- command: whoami
- apt: update_cache=yes
sudo: yes
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