Commit 7653c4ac by Jimmy Tang

Start of more OSX facts for setup

Added a Darwin family, commit acc1c004 had added some network facts
but weren't being shown as the Darwin family wasn't in use. This commit
reveals these facts.

A Darwin(Hardware) class has also been created ready to be populated with
hardware facts.
parent 6d419831
......@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class Facts(object):
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/zypper', 'name' : 'zypper' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/pacman', 'name' : 'pacman' },
{ 'path' : '/bin/opkg', 'name' : 'opkg' },
{ 'path' : '/opt/local/bin/pkgin', 'name' : 'pkgin' } ]
{ 'path' : '/opt/local/bin/pkgin', 'name' : 'pkgin' },
{ 'path' : '/opt/local/bin/port', 'name' : 'macports' } ]
def __init__(self):
self.facts = {}
......@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ class Facts(object):
SLED = 'Suse', OpenSuSE = 'Suse', SuSE = 'Suse', Gentoo = 'Gentoo',
Archlinux = 'Archlinux', Mandriva = 'Mandrake', Mandrake = 'Mandrake',
Solaris = 'Solaris', Nexenta = 'Solaris', OmniOS = 'Solaris', OpenIndiana = 'Solaris',
SmartOS = 'Solaris', AIX = 'AIX'
SmartOS = 'Solaris', AIX = 'AIX', MacOSX = 'Darwin'
if self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
......@@ -173,6 +174,11 @@ class Facts(object):
data = out.split('.')
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data[1]
elif self.facts['system'] == 'Darwin':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'MacOSX'
rc, out, err = module.run_command("/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion")
data = out.split()[-1]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
dist = platform.dist()
self.facts['distribution'] = dist[0].capitalize() or 'NA'
......@@ -760,6 +766,40 @@ class AIX(Hardware):
data = out.split()
self.facts['firmware_version'] = data[1].strip('IBM,')
class Darwin(Hardware):
Darwin-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- processor_cores
- memtotal_mb
- memfree_mb
platform = 'Darwin'
def __init__(self):
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
self.facts['processor'] = []
rc, out, err = module.run_command("/usr/sbin/sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string")
data = out[:-1].split(': ')
self.facts['processor'] = data[1]
rc, out, err = module.run_command("/usr/sbin/sysctl machdep.cpu.core_count")
data = out[:-1].split(': ')
self.facts['processor_cores'] = data[1]
def get_memory_facts(self):
rc, out, err = module.run_command("/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.memsize")
data = out[:-1].split(': ')
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(data[1]) / 1024 / 1024
rc, out, err = module.run_command("/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.usermem")
data = out[:-1].split(': ')
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = int(data[1]) / 1024 / 1024
class Network(Facts):
This is a generic Network subclass of Facts. This should be further
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