Commit 5fd20181 by Michael DeHaan

Convert authorized_key modules to use new common code + misc style things

parent 63459110
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Ansible module to add authorized_keys for ssh logins.
Ansible module to add authorized_keys for ssh logins.
(c) 2012, Brad Olson <>
Results: Makes sure the public key line is present or absent in the user's .ssh/authorized_keys.
user = username
key = line to add to authorized_keys for user
state = absent|present (default: present)
Command Line Example
ansible somehost -m authorized_key -a user=charlie key="ssh-dss AAAABUfOL+8BTwaRYr/rycsBF1D8e5pTxEsXHQs4iq+mZdyWqlW++L6pMiam1A8yweP+rKtgjK2httVS6GigVsuWWfOd7/sdWippefq74nppVUELHPKkaIOjJNN1zUHFoL/YMwAAAEBALnAsQN10TNGsRDe5arBsW8cTOjqLyYBcIqgPYTZW8zENErFxt7ij3fW3Jh/sCpnmy8rkS7FyK8ULX0PEy/2yDx8/5rXgMIICbRH/XaBy9Ud5bRBFVkEDu/r+rXP33wFPHjWjwvHAtfci1NRBAudQI/98DbcGQw5HmE89CjgZRo5ktkC5yu/8agEPocVjdHyZr7PaHfxZGUDGKtGRL2QzRYukCmWo1cZbMBHcI5FzImvTHS9/8B3SATjXMPgbfBuEeBwuBK5EjL+CtHY5bWs9kmYjmeo0KfUMH8hY4MAXDoKhQ7DhBPIrcjS5jPtoGxIREZjba67r6/P2XKXaCZH6Fc= 2011-01-17"
Playbook Example
# include like this:
# - include: tasks/logins.yaml users=charlie,sue
- name: create user charlie
action: user name=charlie shell=/bin/bash createhome=yes groups=www-data
only_if: "'charlie' in '$users'"
- name: add public key for charlie
action: authorized_key user=charlie key="ssh-dss AAAABUfOL+8BTwaRYr/rycsBF1D8e5pTxEsXHQs4iq+mZdyWqlW++L6pMiam1A8yweP+rKtgjK2httVS6GigVsuWWfOd7/sdWippefq74nppVUELHPKkaIOjJNN1zUHFoL/YMwAAAEBALnAsQN10TNGsRDe5arBsW8cTOjqLyYBcIqgPYTZW8zENErFxt7ij3fW3Jh/sCpnmy8rkS7FyK8ULX0PEy/2yDx8/5rXgMIICbRH/XaBy9Ud5bRBFVkEDu/r+rXP33wFPHjWjwvHAtfci1NRBAudQI/98DbcGQw5HmE89CjgZRo5ktkC5yu/8agEPocVjdHyZr7PaHfxZGUDGKtGRL2QzRYukCmWo1cZbMBHcI5FzImvTHS9/8B3SATjXMPgbfBuEeBwuBK5EjL+CtHY5bWs9kmYjmeo0KfUMH8hY4MAXDoKhQ7DhBPIrcjS5jPtoGxIREZjba67r6/P2XKXaCZH6Fc= 2011-01-17"
only_if: "'charlie' in '$users'"
This file is part of Ansible
Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -46,57 +19,24 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import sys, os, shlex, pwd, syslog
from os.path import expanduser, exists, isfile, join
params = {}
def exit_json(rc=0, **kwargs):
if 'name' in kwargs:
print json.dumps(kwargs)
def fail_json(**kwargs):
kwargs['failed'] = True
exit_json(rc=1, **kwargs)
def get_params():
"""Startup tasks and read params.
:return: parameters as dictionary.
global msg
msg = "reading params"
argfile = sys.argv[1]
f = open(argfile,"r")
args =
msg = "writing syslog."
syslog.openlog('ansible-%s' % os.path.basename(__file__))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'Invoked with %s' % args)
msg = "parsing params"
params = dict( # make a dictionary of...
[ arg.split("=", 1) # assignment pairs
for arg in shlex.split(args) # using shell lexing
if "=" in arg # ignoring tokens without assignment
return params
# Makes sure the public key line is present or absent in the user's .ssh/authorized_keys.
# Arguments
# =========
# user = username
# key = line to add to authorized_keys for user
# state = absent|present (default: present)
# see example in examples/playbooks
import sys
import os
import pwd
import os.path
def keyfile(user, write=False):
"""Calculate name of authorized keys file, optionally creating the
Calculate name of authorized keys file, optionally creating the
directories and file, properly setting permissions.
:param str user: name of user in passwd file
......@@ -104,98 +44,91 @@ def keyfile(user, write=False):
:return: full path string to authorized_keys for user
global msg
msg = "Reading system user entry."
user_entry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
msg = "Calculating special directories"
homedir = user_entry.pw_dir
sshdir = join(homedir, ".ssh")
keysfile = join(sshdir, "authorized_keys")
if not write: return keysfile
sshdir = os.path.join(homedir, ".ssh")
keysfile = os.path.join(sshdir, "authorized_keys")
if not write:
return keysfile
#create directories and files for authorized keys
msg = "Reading user and group info."
uid = user_entry.pw_uid
gid = user_entry.pw_gid
msg = "Making ~/.ssh."
if not exists(sshdir): os.mkdir(sshdir, 0700)
if not os.path.exists(sshdir):
os.mkdir(sshdir, 0700)
os.chown(sshdir, uid, gid)
os.chmod(sshdir, 0700)
msg = "Touching authorized keys file."
if not exists( keysfile):
if not os.path.exists( keysfile):
f = open(keysfile, "w") #touches file so we can set ownership and perms
os.chown(keysfile, uid, gid)
os.chmod(keysfile, 0600)
return keysfile
def readkeys( filename):
global msg
msg = "Reading authorized_keys."
if not isfile(filename): return []
def readkeys(filename):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return []
f = open(filename)
keys = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()]
return keys
def writekeys( filename, keys):
global msg
msg = "Writing authorized_keys."
f = open(filename,"w")
f.writelines( (key + "\n" for key in keys) )
def enforce_state( params):
"""Add or remove key.
:return: True=changed, False=unchanged
def enforce_state(module, params):
Add or remove key.
global msg
#== scrub params
msg = "Invalid or missing param: user."
user = params["user"]
msg = "Invalid or missing param: key."
key = params["key"]
state = params.get("state", "present")
#== check current state
params["keyfile"] = keyfile(user, write=False) #just get the filename, don't create file
keys = readkeys( params["keyfile"])
# check current state -- just get the filename, don't create file
params["keyfile"] = keyfile(user, write=False)
keys = readkeys(params["keyfile"])
present = key in keys
#== handle idempotent state=present
# handle idempotent state=present
if state=="present":
if present: return False #nothing to do
if present:
writekeys(keyfile(user,write=True), keys)
elif state=="absent":
if not present: return False #nothing to do
if not present:
writekeys(keyfile(user,write=True), keys)
msg = "Invalid param: state."
raise StandardError(msg)
return True
#===== MAIN SCRIPT ===================================================
params = get_params()
changed = enforce_state( params)
msg = ""
msg = "Error %s" % msg
# Don't do sys.exit() within try...except
if msg:
exit_json( user=params["user"], changed=changed)
params['changed'] = True
return params
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
user = dict(required=True),
key = dict(required=True),
state = dict(default='present', choices=['absent','present'])
params = module.params
results = enforce_state(module, module.params)
# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
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