Commit 3b3afe22 by trbs

Add support for Open and NetBSD platforms for user and group modules, including…

Add support for Open and NetBSD platforms for user and group modules, including a new login_class parameter for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD.
parent 9122efb2
......@@ -228,13 +228,13 @@ class FreeBsdGroup(Group):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('pw', True), 'groupdel',]
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_add(self,**kwargs):
def group_add(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('pw', True), 'groupadd',]
if self.gid is not None:
cmd.append('-g %d' % int(self.gid))
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_mod(self,**kwargs):
def group_mod(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('pw', True), 'groupmod',]
info = self.group_info()
cmd_len = len(cmd)
......@@ -242,8 +242,94 @@ class FreeBsdGroup(Group):
cmd.append('-g %d' % int(self.gid))
# modify the group if cmd will do anything
if cmd_len != len(cmd):
if self.module.check_mode:
return (True, '', '')
return self.execute_command(cmd)
return (None, '', '')
# ===========================================
class OpenBsdGroup(Group):
This is a OpenBSD Group manipulation class.
This overrides the following methods from the generic class:-
- group_del()
- group_add()
- group_mod()
platform = 'OpenBSD'
distribution = None
GROUPFILE = '/etc/group'
def group_del(self):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupdel', True),]
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_add(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupadd', True)]
if self.gid is not None:
cmd.append('%d' % int(self.gid))
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_mod(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupmod', True)]
info = self.group_info()
cmd_len = len(cmd)
if self.gid is not None and int(self.gid) != info[2]:
cmd.append('%d' % int(self.gid))
if len(cmd) == 1:
return (None, '', '')
if self.module.check_mode:
return (True, '', '')
return self.execute_command(cmd)
# ===========================================
class NetBsdGroup(Group):
This is a NetBSD Group manipulation class.
This overrides the following methods from the generic class:-
- group_del()
- group_add()
- group_mod()
platform = 'NetBSD'
distribution = None
GROUPFILE = '/etc/group'
def group_del(self):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupdel', True),]
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_add(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupadd', True)]
if self.gid is not None:
cmd.append('%d' % int(self.gid))
return self.execute_command(cmd)
def group_mod(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('groupmod', True)]
info = self.group_info()
cmd_len = len(cmd)
if self.gid is not None and int(self.gid) != info[2]:
cmd.append('%d' % int(self.gid))
if len(cmd) == 1:
return (None, '', '')
if self.module.check_mode:
return (True, '', '')
return self.execute_command(cmd)
# ===========================================
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