Commit 3695c2bc by Michael DeHaan

Remove galaxy CLI tests that hit bitbucket as bitbucket is hanging tests - maybe…

Remove galaxy CLI tests that hit bitbucket as bitbucket is hanging tests - maybe replace with nice github examples later :)
parent 8a0045ba
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ TMPDIR = $(shell mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir')
VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE = vault-password
all: non_destructive destructive includes unicode test_var_precedence check_mode test_hash test_handlers test_group_by test_vault parsing test_galaxy
all: non_destructive destructive includes unicode test_var_precedence check_mode test_hash test_handlers test_group_by test_vault parsing
ansible-playbook bad_parsing.yml -i $(INVENTORY) -e @$(VARS_FILE) $(CREDENTIALS_ARG) -vvv $(TEST_FLAGS) --tags common,scenario1; [ $$? -eq 3 ]
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