Commit 2755602d by Mark Theunissen Committed by Michael DeHaan

Check to make sure that tags passed as parameters actually exist

parent dde97906
......@@ -146,12 +146,34 @@ class PlayBook(object):
def run(self):
''' run all patterns in the playbook '''
plays = []
matched_tags_all = set()
unmatched_tags_all = set()
# loop through all patterns and run them
for play_ds in self.playbook:
play = Play(self,play_ds)
matched_tags, unmatched_tags = play.compare_tags(self.only_tags)
matched_tags_all = matched_tags_all | matched_tags
unmatched_tags_all = unmatched_tags_all | unmatched_tags
# if we have matched_tags, the play must be run.
# if the play contains no tasks, assume we just want to gather facts
if (len(matched_tags) > 0 or len(play.tasks()) == 0):
# if the playbook is invoked with --tags that don't exist at all in the playbooks
# then we need to raise an error so that the user can correct the arguments.
unknown_tags = set(self.only_tags) - (matched_tags_all | unmatched_tags_all)
if len(unknown_tags) > 0:
msg = 'tags "%s" given as argument but not found in playbooks, did you mean one of "%s"?'
raise errors.AnsibleError(msg % (', '.join(unknown_tags),', '.join(unmatched_tags_all)))
for play in plays:
# summarize the results
results = {}
for host in self.stats.processed.keys():
......@@ -292,9 +314,6 @@ class PlayBook(object):
def _run_play(self, play):
''' run a list of tasks for a given pattern, in order '''
if not play.should_run(self.only_tags):
# get facts from system
......@@ -197,22 +197,25 @@ class Play(object):
# *************************************************
def should_run(self, tags):
''' does the play match any of the tags? '''
tags_counted = 0
def compare_tags(self, tags):
''' given a list of tags that the user has specified, return two lists:
matched_tags: tags were found within the current play and match those given
by the user
unmatched_tags: tags that were found within the current play but do not match
any provided by the user '''
# gather all the tags in all the tasks into one list
all_tags = []
for task in self._tasks:
for task_tag in task.tags:
tags_counted = tags_counted + 1
if task_tag in tags:
return True
if tags_counted > 0:
return False
# compare the lists of tags using sets and return the matched and unmatched
all_tags_set = set(all_tags)
tags_set = set(tags)
matched_tags = all_tags_set & tags_set
unmatched_tags = all_tags_set - tags_set
# didn't tag the play, and the play contains no steps
# so assume we just want to gather facts
return True
return matched_tags, unmatched_tags
# *************************************************
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