Commit 25ac4cce by Toshio Kuratomi

Update other asserts that have a py2.6 unittest method

parent c752f012
......@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ class TestGeneralParsing(unittest.TestCase):
output = load(input)
assert output['asdf'] == '1234'
assert output['jkl'] == 5678
self.assertEqual(output['asdf'], '1234')
self.assertEqual(output['jkl'], 5678)
def parse_json_from_file(self):
output = load(MockFile(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3)),'json')
assert ouput == dict(a=1,b=2,c=3)
self.assertEqual(ouput, dict(a=1,b=2,c=3))
def parse_yaml_from_dict(self):
input = """
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ class TestGeneralParsing(unittest.TestCase):
jkl: 5678
output = load(input)
assert output['asdf'] == '1234'
assert output['jkl'] == 5678
self.assertEqual(output['asdf'], '1234')
self.assertEqual(output['jkl'], 5678)
def parse_yaml_from_file(self):
output = load(MockFile(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3),'yaml'))
assert output == dict(a=1,b=2,c=3)
self.assertEqual(output, dict(a=1,b=2,c=3))
def parse_fail(self):
input = """
......@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ class TestGeneralParsing(unittest.TestCase):
self.failUnlessRaises(load(input), AnsibleParserError)
self.assertRaises(load(input), AnsibleParserError)
def parse_fail_from_file(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(load(MockFile(None,'fail')), AnsibleParserError)
self.assertRaises(load(MockFile(None,'fail')), AnsibleParserError)
def parse_fail_invalid_type(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(3000, AnsibleParsingError)
self.failUnlessRaises(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), AnsibleParserError)
self.assertRaises(3000, AnsibleParsingError)
self.assertRaises(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), AnsibleParserError)
......@@ -39,65 +39,65 @@ class TestModArgsDwim(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic_shell(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(shell='echo hi'))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'command'
assert args == dict(
self.assertEqual(mod, 'command')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(
_raw_params = 'echo hi',
_uses_shell = True,
assert to is None
def test_basic_command(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(command='echo hi'))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'command'
assert args == dict(
self.assertEqual(mod, 'command')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(
_raw_params = 'echo hi',
assert to is None
def test_shell_with_modifiers(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(shell='/bin/foo creates=/tmp/baz removes=/tmp/bleep'))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'command'
assert args == dict(
self.assertEqual(mod, 'command')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(
creates = '/tmp/baz',
removes = '/tmp/bleep',
_raw_params = '/bin/foo',
_uses_shell = True,
assert to is None
def test_normal_usage(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(copy='src=a dest=b'))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'copy'
assert args == dict(src='a', dest='b')
self.assertEqual(mod, 'copy')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(src='a', dest='b'))
assert to is None
def test_complex_args(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(copy=dict(src='a', dest='b')))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'copy'
assert args == dict(src='a', dest='b')
self.assertEqual(mod, 'copy')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(src='a', dest='b'))
assert to is None
def test_action_with_complex(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(action=dict(module='copy', src='a', dest='b')))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'copy'
assert args == dict(src='a', dest='b')
self.assertEqual(mod, 'copy')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(src='a', dest='b'))
assert to is None
def test_action_with_complex_and_complex_args(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(action=dict(module='copy', args=dict(src='a', dest='b'))))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'copy'
assert args == dict(src='a', dest='b')
self.assertEqual(mod, 'copy')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(src='a', dest='b'))
assert to is None
def test_local_action_string(self):
mod, args, to = self.m.parse(dict(local_action='copy src=a dest=b'))
self._debug(mod, args, to)
assert mod == 'copy'
assert args == dict(src='a', dest='b')
self.assertEqual(mod, 'copy')
self.assertEqual(args, dict(src='a', dest='b'))
assert to is 'localhost'
......@@ -74,23 +74,23 @@ class TestSafeLoad(unittest.TestCase):
def test_safe_load(self):
# test basic dictionary
res = safe_load(data1)
assert type(res) == AnsibleMapping
assert res._line_number == 2
self.assertEqual(type(res), AnsibleMapping)
self.assertEqual(res._line_number, 2)
# test data with multiple dictionaries
res = safe_load(data2)
assert len(res) == 4
assert res[0]._line_number == 2
assert res[1]._line_number == 3
assert res[2]._line_number == 5
assert res[3]._line_number == 8
self.assertEqual(len(res), 4)
self.assertEqual(res[0]._line_number, 2)
self.assertEqual(res[1]._line_number, 3)
self.assertEqual(res[2]._line_number, 5)
self.assertEqual(res[3]._line_number, 8)
# test data with multiple sub-dictionaries
res = safe_load(data3)
assert len(res) == 3
assert res[0]._line_number == 2
assert res[1]._line_number == 7
assert res[2]._line_number == 9
assert res[0]['key1']._line_number == 3
assert res[1]['key2']._line_number == 8
assert res[2]['list1'][0]._line_number == 10
self.assertEqual(len(res), 3)
self.assertEqual(res[0]._line_number, 2)
self.assertEqual(res[1]._line_number, 7)
self.assertEqual(res[2]._line_number, 9)
self.assertEqual(res[0]['key1']._line_number, 3)
self.assertEqual(res[1]['key2']._line_number, 8)
self.assertEqual(res[2]['list1'][0]._line_number, 10)
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